How will we work tomorrow?

How will work be organized tomorrow? The issue was brought to the fore at the start of the coronavirus crisis. Many were then forced to telecommute. A glimpse, perhaps, of the future that awaits us. Unless other solutions are preferred.

In this company which manufactures industrial boilers, it was said a few months ago: “Telework is unthinkable. " But the coronavirus crisis and the containment measures imposed by our government have gone through that. Binding mentalities to change overnight. Including in this company which then allowed its employees to work from their health home. So tomorrow, will we all have to telework?

It's a possibility. Because communication technologies today allow employees to distance themselves from their workplace while remaining in close contact with their company. However, this will not be without a real change in behavior. On the side of the hierarchy as that of the employees concerned. To work at health home, you have to be able to frame yourself and organize yourself. Gain in autonomy. Do not overlook the consequences of social isolation that the telecommuting can impose. And find the right balance between professional availability and private life.

To get around these organizational difficulties, some foresee other possibilities for innovation in matter of work. Traditional offices are gradually disappearing in favor ofwork environments atypical: a kitchen area to accommodate a client or a gym as meeting space. Spaces defined by the tasks to be accomplished. At the time of smart office – understand, at the time of the smart office -, all these places are of course ultra-smart health connected. And equipped with furniture that adapts to the needs of their users.

Flexibility at the heart of concerns

The revegetation of environments work is another avenue considered by the researchers. With the main effects, the reduction of absenteeism and the increase of productivity, but also the reduction of disorders such as headaches or tingling of eyes. All thanks not only to plants installed in offices, but also to planted partitions, for example, which help to break down the boundaries between interior and exterior. A way to reconnect with nature.

As for so-called flexible workspaces, they are also gaining ground. Because they seem to meet the new expectations of workers who aspire, in particular, to reduce their journey times. So tomorrow, the coworking may no longer be reserved for the self-employed or start-up. Already, large groups are interested in this possibility of using flexible offices. And they report an increase in their productivity.

No doubt all these new work organizations have one thing in common: the need to learn constantly. It seems, indeed, past the time when studies directed us towards a function which we occupied ad vitam æternam. In the future, we will have to rely on constantly updated knowledge and cognitive skills that will allow us to adapt to new contexts, to collaborate with people from different backgrounds and all of this, often at a distance. .

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