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Humidifier, dehumidifier and air purifier: what are the differences?

Did you know that indoor air is 5 to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air? In any case, this is what the magazine says Sciences and the Future on his website, He is not the only one.

We spend almost 80 to 90% of our time indoors, and if the quality of the insulation of buildings has greatly improved over the years (especially thanks to double glazing), the thermal shock that once had repercussions on the windows moved on the walls, causing an increase in humidity.

It is estimated that the average humidity level in the ambient air is 30% in winter and 40 to 60% in summer. Too high a rate can lead to problems such as the appearance of mold, stains on the walls, but also the proliferation of bad bacteria, mites, etc., as well as the development of allergies and asthma, among others, just as too low a level can lead to health concerns such as dryness of the skin or respiratory problems, especially for asthmatics.

But that’s not all, because the use of recomposed wooden furniture, the use of certain household products and other scented candles, or even the application of paints with a particularly chemical composition, are not to help us stay healthy, on the contrary.

Fortunately there are several solutions to try to remedy these problems, of which here are 3: the humidifier, the dehumidifier, and the air purifier. The first humidifies, the second dehumidifies, and the third purifies… well the air. There you go, it’s actually quite simple.

No, let’s be serious. These devices don’t do exactly the same thing (that’s obvious), but all have the common goal of improving the quality of your indoor air. Let’s take stock of what characterizes them.

(It is important to note that whatever item you use, none can replace a good ventilation system. It just complements it.)

 The air humidifier, when the air isit’s too dry 

A humidifier is a machine that is used to temper the too dry atmosphere. Equipped with a hygrometer (device used to measure humidity in the air), it is able to know if the room in which it is located is too dry or not, and to activate accordingly. In other words, the humidifier is there to avoid having dry air. Some models also serve as essential oil diffusers. Several operating modes exist:

  • the hot steam system: the water is heated and then cooled in order to avoid scalding, and a delicate steam is then obtained; no filtration is necessary but this method requires the specific use of fresh water and consumes a large amount of energy;

  • the system by evaporation (or cold vapor): the air is diffused via a filtration cassette which is immersed in water; a ventilation mechanism then propels the air rich in water and free from unwanted materials; this type of humidifier consumes little energy but can be a little noisy;

  • the ultrasonic system: an ultrasonic plate emits microvibrations which are transmitted to the water, so that the latter bursts into microdroplets, which are then diffused into the atmosphere; if it is a silent method that does not consume much energy, it is nevertheless necessary to think about treating the water against the germs which can develop there; this system can also lower the temperature of the room (rather pleasant in summer, isn’t it?);

  • the “air washer” system: also using a fan, this method humidifies the ambient air while making it healthier, like a purifier; Like the ultrasonic system, the “air washer” requires water treatment and can lower the temperature.

 The air dehumidifier, when the air is too humid 

You will understand, the dehumidifier plays the opposite role. Operating on the principle of condensation, it sucks in the air too loaded with humidity thanks to a fan, then filters it and passes it through an evaporator at low temperature. The water vapor thus obtained then condenses and falls back in liquid form in a tank, which is easy to empty. The air, now purified and dried, is recirculated in the room. This process usually increases the temperature of the place by 2 degrees. As it is equipped with a hygrostat, the dehumidifier is able to manage alone the humidity level of the air in the room in which it is located. There are 2 forms of dehumidifiers:

  • the electric model: capable of absorbing up to 30 liters (6.60 gal) of water every day, it does not need to be recharged in any way and is very easy to use; the counterpart is in its energy consumption and in the slight background noise it produces;

  • the chemical model: not smart health connected to the current, it obviously does not consume electricity but works with the help of recharges made of silica gel, and begins to do its job from the first 24 hours of use; of course we must take into account the cost of said recharges before considering the purchase of this machine, and know that it is a little less efficient than its electric colleague.

 The air purifier, when the air is too polluted 

Designed to capture dust, certain volatile allergens and other fine particles such as animal hair, the air purifier is equipped with multiple layers of filters. With an average efficiency rate of 99.98%, some models even fight bad odors. When all the harmful agents have been removed, the clean air is released, ready to be breathed. Here are the different kinds of purifiers that exist on the market:

  • the system with HEPA (High Efficiency for Airborne Particles) filters: first developed for the medical sector, this method involves the use of very tightly woven filters, capable of retaining all kinds of particles such as dust mites, mold and other bacteria; It should be noted that all HEPA filters do not have the same fineness or the same quality, and that they must on average be replaced every 6 months;

  • the system with activated carbon filters: these filters contain either balls or activated carbon powder, which is an element capable of absorbing in particular gas, smoke, bleach vapors, but also bad odors, etc. ; it is a deodorizing chemical depolluent;

  • the ionization system: insofar as the polluting compounds present in the air are generally neutral or positively charged, an ionizer device with this purification method emits negative ions which, in contact with the former, will lead to a kind of precipitation , and the pollutants will drop.

 In summary: 

Better air quality equates to better health (at least less bad), and therefore, potentially a better quality of life.

Whether condensation forms on your windows because your indoor air is so humid, whether your sinuses are regularly blocked due to, on the contrary, too much drought, or whether you “simply” want your air to be purified , For each problem there is a solution.

Since the air purifier is not capable of humidifying or dehumidifying a room, the ideal is to pair it with one of the other two devices, depending on your specific needs (of course, if you don’t do not have to worry about drought or humidity, it is not worth having two machines at the same time).

If you’re looking for the best items around, don’t hesitate to take a look at these buying guides: humidifiers, dehumidifiers and air purifiers. They will save you precious time.

Finally, a tip: don’t forget to air your interior in the evening and morning for several minutes (at least 5 to 10 minutes)!