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  • iBeat raises $ 1.5M for its smart health connected watch that saves lives

iBeat raises $ 1.5M for its smart health connected watch that saves lives


The startup iBeat, behind a smart health connected watch project that includes features that can save lives, has just announced a first round of $ 1.5 million.

Initiated by business angels as well as investment funds Maveron, Correlation Ventures, Ammunition Group and Subtraction Capitalthis round of the table is mainly aimed at employees and expand activities of the company, whose stated ambitions are drastically reduce the number of heart attacks in the world.

The money raised will be used to market the very first product of the company, a wearable incorporating a heart rate sensor and able to automatically prevent emergencies when a vital problem is detected in the heart. This smart health connected watch should cost less than $ 200but this is the only information available to date about the device.

