is the mask an effective protection?

With the coronavirus epidemic reaching beyond borders, many people think that protecting their mouth and nose with a surgical mask is a good way of preventing respiratory viruses, including the flu. What is it really like?

ehealth: 9 questions about the global coronavirus epidemic Find all the answers to your questions on the global epidemic caused by the Wuhan coronavirus in ehealth! From the origin of the epidemic to the means of prevention, this ehealth details all the key information in 9 questions.

In Asian countries, it is very common to see sick people wearing a surgical mask so as not to contaminate others. In France, this is not a natural reflex. Yet with the coronavirus epidemic transmissible between humans, the pharmacies of France are stormed. As demand is usually low, pharmacies do not stock masks and find themselves unable to meet demand.

Are paper or surgical masks really effective in protecting yourself from virus respiratory?

Under what circumstances is wearing a surgical mask advisable?

Paper masks act as a simple barrier physical but do not filter dust and pathogens contained in theair. According to Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Health, wearing a paper mask is only effective for sick people and helps limit spread of the virus. However, it insists that " today, there is no indication to buy masks for the French population "

Furthermore, in France, wearing a paper mask is not justified for a healthy person and is not part of the measures prevention recommended by the Minister of Health. Their prevention can be justified in China, where it has been proven that homes people with the virus not yet identified.

In conclusion, wearing a mask is essential for sick people and can be recommended in areas strongly affected by the epidemic, but is neither useful nor effective for the rest of the population, emphasize the health authorities.

What are the effective means of prevention against influenza?

However, other reflexes to adopt during a epidemic are better able to protect the healthy population and limit the spread of the virus. Frequent hand washing with soap or hydroalcoholic solution is recommended as part of the epidemic of coronavirus but also for all respiratory viruses including influenza.

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