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- Jade Screen Teapills and natural healthy benefits
Jade Screen Teapills and natural healthy benefits
Yu Ping Feng San Wan-Jade Screen Teapills
Jade Screen Teapills against the Wind
Traditional therapeutic uses
Main indications : allergic rhinitis ,chronic bronchitis, flu and colds repeatedly.
Chinese health philosophy: this preparationinvigorates the Wei Qi, the immune system.
Associated symptoms: pale tongue with whitecoating.
As this formula is in different forms and atvarious dosages , it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.This tonic should be taken for three to five months.
Microbes are known for only a century.Chinese doctors had observed that certain diseases were spreading in the air (Wind ) . This formula thus protects the Wind carrying germs.
It meets an important need as the problemsof respiratory allergies are becoming more common. Too often , children spend acold to flu, sore throat otitis. Antibiotics was then given generally destroypart of the intestinal flora , which further weakens the immune system.
Yu Ping Feng Wan is effective in treatingthis problem. After a month , you will reduce the frequency and severity ofrespiratory infections. This can take up to five months for a normal resistanceto infection. If your allergies are seasonal , begin to take Yu Ping Feng Wanthree months before the critical period.
This formula is cited in the volume Dan XiXin Fa ( The teachings of Dan- Xi ) written by the famous physician Zhen ZhuHeng in 1481.
The researchers believe that the talus , themain ingredient of this formula , improves immune function by acting as acatalyst of interferon , which would increase , including the levels ofantibodies ( IgG and IgA ) in nasal secretions . It seems that the plant canrestore the activity of T lymphocytes in cancer types for which this immunefunction is suppressed . In laboratory animals , astragalus reversed immunedeficiency artificially induced by cyclophosphamide. In addition, a Chinesestudy in vitro suggests that astragalus may improve immune function in patientswith AIDS. It appears that the talus acts on the bone marrow cells , animportant site of immune activity . The plant would also demonstrated abroad-spectrum antibiotic activity .
You can click here to see aJade Screen Teapills product example.
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