Journaling: Writing for your well-being

Remember when you kept a diary as a child (or teenager)or when you were doing editorial staff ! the journaling is a “more adult” version of this secret notebook that we had one day and didn’t want to show anyone… Keep a diaryt is far from being a regressive idea, on the contrary, it is a gift that we give ourselves to get better. Words are part of our daily life. We use them all day long and, you know, they have powers. great powers. Journaling combines the power of writing with the power of words to get to know each other but especially to us ease the mind !

Journaling to file the daily “overflow”

First of all, let’s go back to what exactly “journaling”.

It is simply a concept which resides in the write a few pages in a personal notebookmost often in the morning in order to register our thoughts, reflections, emotions and feelings of the moment.

Journaling is totally free in its approach and use but the key to a successful journaling experience: regularity.

You can choose when you write, the number of pages that we darken, the tone that we use, the thoughts that we put down and the frequency with which we do it. The goal is not to write well, nor to write beautiful or very long but above all to write regularly!

Keeping a Journal: A Meaningful Practice on Time or Everything is shared and exposed

With the habit we have of using screens almost for everything in our daily life, we have often lost interest in writing. Of course it depends on personalities and tastes, there are people for whom this habit is natural and others who will find writing every morning time-consuming, unnecessary and redundant and outdated. And yet…

The question (as with all the tools of personal development) it is above all to know if it suits US and makes us feel good even if habits are hard to change and take. The only thing that keeps us clinging to it are the results.

Journaling is a personal and introspective practice. In essence it does not share (or very little), it is intimate, fragile, sensitive and holds truths that sometimes frighten. So it’s a bare-bones practice, stripped of any Instagrammable effects or cookie-cutter quotes. It’s a solitary gesture, a return to oneself and at a time when everything is overexposed 24/7, I can tell you that the power of this habit is even greater.

Journaling is powerful, it’s uncomfortable, but it’s life-saving.

why keep a mental health journal

To (re)discover: 20 ideas to fill your notebook!

The benefits of journaling

There are many positive reasons to keep a regular diary. The effects obtained depend on our investment and our open-mindedness, but in general we can say that journaling helps :

  • Learning to know each other

  • Clarify your thoughts

  • Submit your emotions and understand them

  • Take a step back from situations

  • Make decisions more easily

  • Lighten the mental & emotional load

  • Feel supported

  • Cultivate Gratitude

  • Find answers to their questions

  • Keep track and see its evolution

  • etc…

You understand, the daily writing of his thoughts and concerns but also of his successes, his joys, his encounters, his hopes, etc. frees the mind from all this incessant brouhaha or in any case it offers a neutral and secure space to refocus and unload.

I started journaling at the start of the first lockdown in March 2020 because like many, I experienced this period very badly (not so much for the confinement but for the fear caused at the beginning by this virus and by the media which only spoke about it). It is at this moment that I took a notebook and that I started to “empty my head” because I was losing my footing. This habit wasn’t mine right awayI skipped days, I sometimes wrote little, sometimes I even had a form of rejection but by force, I came back to it and there I no longer let go of this moment for me.

Because yes, it’s about that too: treat yourself to a REAL break, as you would almost talk to your shrink.

Je sincerely encourage you to test (or resume!) journaling if you feel a little overwhelmed, overworked, sad, lonely… But not only that! Journaling, everyone draws from it what they want. It can be a relief as an unfailing support, a therapeutic tool as a field of exploration…

Give yourself this gift! Try !

You do have a notebook lying around and waiting to be used, don’t you? So Go!

If you need some guidance to start this writing “exercise”, I can recommend these 2 books / notebooks :

ab smart health:

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