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  • Kinsa presents its new smart health connected medical thermometer

Kinsa presents its new smart health connected medical thermometer


Kinsa is a smart thermometer manufacturer smart health connected to a smartphone. These allow in particular to follow the evolution of a disease in a given place thanks to the community side of its application.

In 2013, the company Kinsa had presented a smart thermometer that smart health connected to the smartphone. The principle was simple: measure the individual’s temperature and archive the information in a mobile application. But the strength of this system lay in the disease alerts concerning the places frequented by the user.

Two years later, Kinsa returns to the forefront with a new smart health connected thermometer. This one is now wireless and reads temperature by ear (and no longer by mouth): here is the Smart Ear Thermometer.

Kinsa Smart Ear Thermometer, presentation

Kinsa Smart Ear Thermometer is a smart health connected thermometer that measures temperature instantly from the ear and transmits the information to the smartphone by Bluetooth 4.0. The measurement is then available on the device screen or from themobile application available for iOS and Android. Up to 50 measurements can be saved in the device.

On the application side, it is possible to create profiles for each family member. Each profile displays the most recently measured temperature, medication tracking and recommendations for the user’s symptoms. In short, a pocket doctor even if a visit to a real specialist is always strongly recommended.

Just like with the first version of the thermometer, the application records data from all users in order to map the spread of a disease over a geographic area. A simple and intelligent way to see if there are a lot of sick people at the son’s school or in a certain part of the city. The social side is also always in the game with the possibility of sharing data with relatives or doctor.

Kinsa Smart Ear Thermometer, price and availability

Presented at a IndieGogo campaign and available from November 2015 for $ 60 approximately, Kinsa Smart Ear Thermometer is presented as a useful and easy to use accessory for all those who wish to follow their health simply. An excellent idea for making the first diagnoses at health home, but it is still important to consult a doctor when you are sick.
