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  • launch of the first Challenge of the Artificial Intelligence health in France

launch of the first Challenge of the Artificial Intelligence health in France


A challenge to identify future specialists in Artificial Intelligence in Health

TheIA Health Challenge will make all the health entrepreneurs dedicated to the innovation in Artificial Intelligence who want it: e-health start-ups mastering artificial intelligence, IT companies, data scientists, schools, research units and students …All information by clicking here: http://urlz.com/68r9

The Medicine and Health branch of the Pierre Fabre Laboratory proposes this challenge in order to identify the major players in the new data and IA projects with which to build tomorrow's partnerships. The Festival was the ideal opportunity to host this prestigious competition, a real crossroads for two days of intensive meetings between all interlocutors of the field: labs, health professionals, patients, media, etc …

The goal of this challenge is to enhance the work of these artificial intelligence professionals. Thierry Picard, Chief Digital Officer at Pierre Fabre Medicament and Health: "For us, the human dimension in the measurement of performance is as important as the computer tool itself. The assumptions are made by the men, and it is more the agility of the team that is evaluated than the performance of the technical platform used.

IA Health Challenge: live participation, or online

The concept The challenge is to recognize a melanoma from dermatoscopic images of a mole. For this, thousands of images and the Microsoft Azure platform will be made available to participants.• The prices : The best performing IA performing the challenge on site in Deauville will be awarded a prize of 5000 euros and will be accompanied to incubate its project within the AI ​​Factory * of Microsoft for two months. A second "online" prize of € 2,000 will be awarded to the winning rival team that has participated in the challenge not since the Festival com la Communication en santé but via the Internet. This team will also benefit from project support within the Microsoft AI Factory.

"The goal is to measure the power of AI that we will compete and measure this performance by calculating scores that we called IQ to make an analogy with our human brain … The challenge will also open online and in English to overcome borders "says Thierry Picard.

… And soon, the first Barometer of Artificial Intelligence in Health!

And why stop in this good way? The process of identifying the best AI actors in the health sector to build a future-oriented collegiality will be enriched in the wake of a new barometer: the barometer of Artificial Intelligence applied to health, which will be the result of the mobilization of all the actors, and which will ensue from the first observatory in IA applied to the Health.
