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  • Launch of a simulation platform to improve the diagnosis of rare diseases

Launch of a simulation platform to improve the diagnosis of rare diseases

With the support of industry Ipsen, Novartis, Pfizer and Takeda, the Bordeaux start-up SimforHealth has developed a simulation platform to improve the diagnosis of patients with rare diseases (a disease that affects one in 2000 people). Baptized "RareSim", it is made available free of charge to the non-specialized medical network.

RareSim is a response to the call for projects "Improving screening and delayed diagnosis" carried out by Coalition Next, a gathering of healthcare players. This is a major public health issue since more than 3 million French people are affected by one of the 7,000 rare diseases known to date and approximately 25 million people in Europe. However, the earlier the diagnosis of the disease, the better the treatment.

Immerse the professional in a realistic situation

The platform is available on computers and tablets via a dedicated website. The digital simulator makes it possible to immerse the user in a realistic professional situation which he would not have been confronted with during his university or professional career. During the experiment, he has the possibility of accessing the patient's medical file, of exchanging with him, of carrying out a clinical examination and following him during several consultations according to the evolution of his pathology.

Two simulations are available around the theme of "the culture of doubt“, explains SimforHealth. The first concerns “skull shape abnormality" and was co-created with Roman Hossein Khonsari, maxillofacial and pediatric plastic surgeon at Necker Hospital. The second is dedicated to "diagnosis of a neurological disorder in an 18-year-old young woman". It was created by Cécile Monteil, general practitioner in pediatric emergencies at Robert Debré Hospital, e-health specialist and trainer in health simulation, notably at the iLumens simulation center.

Future simulations coming soon

RareSim is a platform "collaborative and scalable", explains the Bordeaux company. Thus, it will be enriched "very soon and regularly"with new simulators to illustrate"original cases of rare disease patients".

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