LEO, an (other) physical activity sensor on IndieGoGo


LEO is not a bracelet like the others. Firstly, because it is placed on the thigh, and secondly because it measures the electrical signals produced by the muscles. We take stock.

At first glance, the main apparent distinction between LEO and other physical activity sensors is thatit is placed on the thigh. Like the others, he obviously knows how to measure calories burned, distance traveled, speed, acceleration or even the movements made. But if the start-up launched a fundraising campaign on IndieGoGo ($ 50,000), you could legitimately expect something more …

LEO measures the electrical signals produced by the muscles

And LEO does not disappoint: Rather than confining itself to the display of data, it serves as a real sports coach and helps control your effort during a training session. Thanks to EMG technology (electromyography – like that used for the Myo cuff), electrical signals produced by muscles are recorded and then analyzed by the LEO sensor. The latter can then precisely analyze the type of effort in progress and the different consequences: production of lactic acid, need for hydrations, heart rate, muscle fatigue.

LEO on IndieGoGo

Thanks to mathematical algorithms developed in partnership with a laboratory, LEO helps prevent injuries by giving real advice. It also compares current performance with previous performance and then sends it to a mobile app – iOS and Android. In the near future, an SDK will also be available to allow external developers to add functionality.

LEO mobile applications

Price side, you will have to pay $ 179 (+ $ 15 delivery charge outside the US) at the early-bird rate – we are already there in the upper price range for smart health connected bracelets (ex: the Jawbone UP24 is it at $ 149). When we know that it will then be marketed at a price of $ 299, it will really really (really) be used to make it profitable … Delivery: April 2015.

Presentation ehealth of LEO:

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0uVkgBnWLs (/ embed)

Official site : Leohelps.com

