Light therapy glasses to fill up with energy


Light therapy is the new trend of the moment. Improve your productivity and recharge your energy with light, thanks to Ayo, the new pair of glasses smart health connected.

  • Mark : Ayo

  • Connectors : Micro USB micro port

  • connectivity : Bluetooth

  • Compatibility : Android and iOS application

  • Loading time : 3h

  • Battery life: 10 hours / 20 sessions

  • Case dimensions : 173 x 80 x 65 mm

  • Case weight with glasses : 205g

  • Price : 299 euros

  • Availability : On the store from So Sample

Ayo is a pair of lsmart health connected unities of light therapy. That is, it imitates the blue light of the sun and stops the production of melatonin, a hormone that has the effect of causing sleep. During short sessions of several minutes of exposure, Ayo promises you the feeling of regain your tone. Practice after a long day of work or at the time of a helm during the day.

Unboxing by Ayo

unboxing ayo

For starters, the box is very simple and elegant. In line with Apple products, sober, elegant and white. Upon opening the product is well protected and itself enclosed in a capsule similar to a white and blue two-tone pill. This very original box acts as charging station for the glasses.

The box thus contains the glasses, the "capsule" of reloading, as well as the cable of reloading. No manual unfortunately, you have to go to a website to learn how to use the product.

Very solid, the charging box is excellent to carry his glasses everywhere without breaking them. It is very strong, lightweight and will take up little space in your bag or suitcase. Note that the lifetime of the glasses is planned for a usage of more than 10,000 hours. As much as saying that the product should not fail before a long time.

Get started with the Ayo app

Once the application of the smart health connected glasses installed on your smartphone, you must scan the QR code from your box to pair Ayo to your phone. It is possible to fill in your personal data in the app to receive tips for use and time of use of the glasses. The interface is simple and very intuitive. When launches a session Light therapy, a stopwatch starts and automatically activates the Blue LEDs once the headset is on the head. They go out on their own once the time is over.

The application is very complete and offers many toning sessions.

It is important to specify that the glasses are very pleasant to wear. The blue light was not aggressive at all, on the contrary, rather relaxing. It does not interfere with the vision of the user. To adapt to all morphologies, fixation at the level of the nose is flexible, and does not interfere.

Using smart health connected glasses

Ayo can tell you whether to go to bed earlier or later. And of course, when we have to use the smart health connected glasses to spend better waking hours in the morning or fight the famous "jet lag" due to time zone changes during travel. Very handy to get back on your feet after an endless trip by plane in which we may have slept very little. The product is used by many athletes and globe-trotters to quickly regain strength after the effort, but not only. It's also a great product for find a little light and good moodespecially if you work all day in an office. In winters, if you work in an office, you can see very little of the sun. We start the day as we finished, in the night.

But Ayo is not only to sleep better, it's mostly to give a boost to stay focused and focused throughout the day. Several sessions are proposed to you. Like that of 20 minutes, perfect after lunch break at work to stay awake.

The charging box is practical in addition to being design. It works like a portable battery and automatically charges the glasses once they are stored inside, after use.

In the face of competition: very popular light therapy glasses

It seems that light therapy or hypnotherapy products that work with LEDs are fashionable. Recently we had tested Hypnos. A smart health connected mask to sleep better, relax, and overcome phobias. However if both products operate with LEDs and that they are effective in getting back to sleep, yet they remain very different. The glasses are perfect for making small toning breaks and therefore act on thephysical", While Hypnos is great for relaxing his mind and therefore acts on the"psychic".


Yes the product works. In any case, it worked on us. We really felt like we were awake after trying Ayo's glasses. Our greatest fear about the actual effectiveness of the product was quickly swept away. Perfect to do the full of energy during the day.

Good points

  • Design

  • Original

  • Soothing and invigorating

  • Simple application

  • Really walk

Design and Ergonomics – 8
Features – 7
In the face of competition – 7
Value for money- 5



Design and Ergonomics : Futuristic design, and very nice once you wear the glasses.

Fonctionnalities : The application is very simple to use and allows to do many light therapy sessions.

Against competition : LED products like the Hypnos mask are in fashion right now. However, Ayo manages to succeed with an original concept.

Value for money : The price of smart health connected glasses is a little too high.
