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  • Lorica, a smart health connected combat armor for competition

Lorica, a smart health connected combat armor for competition


Far from being solely dedicated to our peaceful daily life of civilians, smart health connected objects can also be dedicated to competition, such as the Lorica, an intelligent combat armor.

Hit without cutting

Ah, knife fighting … who has never dreamed of crossing paths with an evil enemy, like in books and movies, if only once? Unfortunately, the noble art of real weapon combat is not without danger, and competitions of this kind, which are very present in Eastern Europe, bring their share of wounded.

Lorica, imagined by the Australian start-up Unified Weapons Master East smart smart health connected armor, which allows you to practice real combat with knives without the slightest risk, with its strong protective layers made of composite materials. But it is not the relative resistance of the armor (do not expect to see it take hammer or halberd blows) which interests, but its functionalities. The Lorica incorporates LED lights, which locate the damage received, and count it, as hit points. Once at zero, the fighter is virtually knocked out, without having to go to the backbone bridle.

The armor is also provided with cameras making it possible to film the combat in the first person as if they were in the skin of the combatant (to combine with an Oculus Rift perhaps?), And a whole heap of biometric sensors which give the heart rate, body temperature or oxygen level of the fighter.

Lorica, the future of combat sports?

Of course, this armor is not intended only for those dreaming of being tanned between friends without risk, but for competition. UWM indeed wants to create championships with this Higgs Tech armor around 2020. They would bring together fighters from around the world who could compete with knives, and given the variety of these, there will be great shows.

For the moment, the armor still needs to be improved, especially in terms of mobility, an extremely important factor in a combat sport, and its weight (although it is distributed all over the body). The helmet, a subtle blend of that of Darth Vader and Noob Saibot of Mortal Kombat, is in any case very beautifully crafted, as is the armor as a whole. 10/10 on style.

Rendez-vous in 2020 to see perhaps disembark the armed equivalent of the UFC. Meanwhile, if made for the competition, its developers have assured that they will make a cheaper (and less sophisticated) version for the public. No military application in sight: the armor is made for a "friendly" competition of knives. Armored super soldiers aren't over yet.

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wODgMHFLC0I (/ embed)

