Lumbago: everything you need to know

Definition: what is lumbago (or lower back pain)?

the lumbago also called low back pain or more formerly " turn of the kidneys » corresponds to a pain in the lower region of the back and which “blocks” the latter. 84% of people have had, have or will have low back pain at least once in their lifetime.

We distinguish common low back painof mechanical origin (following a sudden movement, a bad position or overstressing) and the specific low back pain which is secondary to a disease such as scoliosisankylosing spondylitis, a spinal tumour…

When low back pain is associated with pinching of a nervewe are talking about lumbo-radiculalgia. Depending on the irritated nerve, it may be a sciatica or a cruralgia. The pain then radiates to the legs. These conditions are most often the consequence of osteoarthritis or a herniated disc.

What are the different forms of lumbago?

Common or specific lumbago

  • Common low back pain is of mechanical or sometimes spontaneous origin."It is most often linked to excessive strain on the back, sudden rotation or movement or prolonged poor posture. Various structure(s) of the back can be affected, such as the muscles (contracture) or the ligaments. The pain is sharp and can make movement difficult or impossible ("blockage of the back")", according to Dr. Caroline Karras Guillibert, rheumatologist at the Hôpital Privé de Provence, Aix en Pce.

  • Specific low back pain also called secondary low back pain is the symptom of a disease (an inflammatory or infectious pathology or a tumor) or a bone fracture (vertebral compression).

Common or chronic lumbago

  • Acute low back pain is of sudden onset and decreases over the days. In the majority of cases, it is a common low back pain linked to a wrong movement or a bad position.

  • Chronic low back pain is of gradual onset and has no determined trigger. The pain may persist or even worsen for more than 3 months.

What are the causes of lumbago?

The causes of a chronic turn of the kidneys

Chronic low back pain can be linked to:

  • degeneration of the intervertebral discs (detectable on CT scan or MRI): "over time, the disc sags and becomes wider than the vertebra. This phenomenon is also the cause of the herniated disc frequent after 50 years (the disc then overflows the vertebra in a very localized way). However, a herniated disc can be asymptomatic and is not always the cause of lower back pain,” according to rheumatologist Caroline Karras Guillibert.

  • degeneration of the endplates (edges) of one or more of the 5 vertebrae located above the sacrum. This phenomenon is related to age.

  • a lumbar vertebral fracture (vertebral collapse), related to osteoporosis or trauma.

  • osteoarthritis: with age, cartilage wear causes inflammation and pain due to contact between the bones.

  • an inflammatory, infectious or tumoral pathology.

  • damage to another organ, the pain of which radiates to the lower back.

  • stress, anxiety or depression;

  • fibromyalgia.

Understanding Acute Lumbago

Acute low back pain is in the majority of cases related to a muscle or ligament damage. It is often caused by a false movement or an excessive or repeated effort (poorly carried out straightening, carrying heavy loads, coughing fits...). She can translate:

  • muscle contracture;

  • a muscle tear;

  • contact between the posterior vertebral ligament and an intervertebral disc;

  • ligament sprain.

What are the risk factors for lumbago?

The risk factors for low back pain are:

  • A professional or sporting activityrequiring a forced labor or carrying heavy loads ;

  • Excessive physical activity ;

  • Physical inactivity ;

  • Le prolonged work on the computer ;

  • An inflammatory rheumatic disease such as ankylosing spondylitis in the young subject or even theosteoarthritis after 40 years;

  • A spinal tumor or some cancer metastases ;

  • A blood disease (lymphoma);

  • One vertebral compaction in a context of osteoporosis in subjects over the age of 60;

  • a infectious disease (infection of a vertebral disc or intercostal shingles);

  • a pathology of another organ whose pain radiates to the back (hepatic or renal colic, cardiac, pancreatic or pulmonary involvement, etc.);

  • An arachnoid cyst or Tarlov cyst;

  • An anxiety disorder or depression;

  • A stressful lifestyle or event;

  • Pregnancy ;

  • Obesity (particularly abdominal).

What are the symptoms of lumbago?

the lumbago manifests itself in the lower back (at the level of the lumbar).

In the event of acute low back pain, the pain is of sudden onset, sharp of the "stabbing" type and increases with the slightest movement, the patient is then "blocked" (a cracking of the back can be heard at the time of the blockage).

In the case of chronic low back pain, the pain is throbbing, permanent and of gradual onset (or even worsening).

Differentiate between acute and chronic low back painThe questions to ask Acute low back painChronic low back pain How did the pain appear?

  • Sudden appearance

  • consecutive to a false movement or a bad position.

  • Often gradual onset

  • No clearly identified trigger

How does the pain progress? The pain tends to decrease over the days. The pain has persisted or even worsened for more than 3 months. When do I hurt?

  • The pain is aggravated by movement.

  • The pain is relieved by rest.

  • The pain is greatest in the morning (when the muscles are cold).

  • Permanent pain.

  • Pain not relieved by rest.

  • Worsening of pain at night.

Does the pain spread to other areas of the body?

  • Irradiation to the lower limbs in case of cruralgia or sciatica.

  • The pain itself seems to come from damage to another organ (kidneys, urinary tract, etc.)

Do I have other associated symptoms?

  • no associated symptoms

  • Other symptoms and other pains may be concomitant.

To prevent the occurrence of lumbago, it is necessary to learn how to take care of your back.

  • Avoid leaning forward : the ideal is to squat to catch an object or climb on a stepladder if it is high up.

  • Wear a lumbar belt in case of planned effort.

  • Practice udo regular physical activity.

  • Avoid overweight or obesity. Maintain a normal BMI. Lose weight if necessary.

  • Avoid prolonged work on the computer (include breaks to stretch your legs).

  • Adopt it good posture in front of your screen thanks to an optimal layout of the office.

  • Adopt good posture when sitting : take support on armrests or on your thighs. Once seated, the back should rest on a backrest and the feet on the floor or a footrest.

  • Avoid carrying heavy loads.

  • Carry a load if possible with both hands and as close to the body as possible.

  • Avoid excessive sports activity.

  • Play sports to strengthen and stretch your back : swimming and postural gymnastics (Pilates, Mézière).

When doing physical activity:

  • Perform a preliminary warm-up;

  • Prefer a physical activity of adapted and progressive intensity;

  • Perform mastered technical gestures;

  • Wear quality and suitable sports equipment;

  • Practice gentle stretching at the end of your session.

The diagnosis of lumbago is mainly based on clinical examinationthe doctor bases himself on the characteristics of the pain.

"Generally no additional examination is necessary. Imaging and medical biology examinations are prescribed only in cases where another pathology is suspected (infection, sequelae of trauma, inflammatory disease, etc.). To study the spine and its pathologies (herniated disc for example), MRI is the reference examination" according to the specialist.

What are the treatments for lumbago?

Treat a simple lumbago

Simple lumbago usually passes spontaneously into four to five days. However, the doctor can prescribe:

  • from paracetamol ;

  • the application of heat on the affected area (there are heating patches in pharmacies);

  • wearing a lumbar belt.

"It is recommended to avoid carrying heavy loads for the duration of the lumbago. However, it is preferable to resume physical activity as soon as the patient's condition allows it and to avoid prolonged immobility.", for the practitioner.

Treatment of chronic lumbago

However, when lumbago becomes chronic, three types of treatment should be considered:

In the longer term, the patient can use:

  • Physiotherapy: massages, ultrasound sessions, laser, electrical stimulation...

  • Spa treatments;

  • Sessions at the

  • The school of the back to learn how to lift loads without putting your back in danger, how to sneeze without risking back strain, how to move around safely...

An osteopathic rebalancing is desirable in many cases. Homeopathy, herbal medicine, aromatherapy and naturopathy can be effective in addition to appropriate treatment.

What natural solutions against lumbago?


  • lumbago with pain radiating to the stomach: Berberis vulgaris 9 CH;

  • lumbago with pain aggravated by the slightest movement and coughing: Bryonia alba 9 CH;

  • lumbago improved by movement and on a hard plane: Rhus toxicodendron 9 CG;

  • cramp-type lumbago: Nux vomica 9 CH. Three pellets three times a day.


To relieve the base of the back locally, at the level of the sacrum or the painful side if it is sciatica:

  • in local application: fresh cabbage leaves. Briefly boil the leaves then crush or chop fairly finely. In a cloth, make a poultice. Apply the lukewarm poultice locally;

  • in infusion and topical application: sweet clover flowering tops. Put 100 g in 1 liter of water, leave to infuse for 20 minutes, then apply to hot compresses.


To relieve lumbago: pour 3 drops of wintergreen essential oil into the lower back and massage for a long time without pressing. Renew as many times as necessary.

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