Magnetic fields could generate toxins


Phones, Wifi, high voltage lines … all these magnetic fields are present in our daily environment. Yet we do not know exactly what their effects are on our bodies. Are they toxic or nonexistent? A few days ago, a team of researchers from the Sorbonne showed us that these waves have an effect on us.

We will not look at our phones the same way after that. According to the study conducted by a team from the Sorbonne University, these electromagnetic waves would act on cryptochrome, a protein that can cause the production of toxins.

Cryptochrome, at the heart of the study

Researchers say Oct. 2 in Plos Biology magazine that " the magnetic fields of these devices have biological effects, inducing the production of toxins". Admittedly, but Margaret Ahmad, principal author with Rachel Sherrad specifies "we can not say for the moment if these waves are dangerous for the individuals."

A small sigh of relief, which does not detract from the very delicate aspect of this study. So be careful not to get carried away or make hasty shortcuts. As proof, the publisher urges readers not to get carried away by adding a small warning note and publishing an article recalling the context so"to encourage cautious interpretations". Wise decision.

In 2006, the CNRS had already proved that cryptochrome played a role in the perception of magnetic fields in plants. He had named it the "Sixth sense" of plants. But what are these famous cryptochromes. " Cryptochromes are proteins found in living organisms such as plants and animals. They are blue light receptor pigments that are involved in many processes (growth, development …) related to the circadian cycle (day / night). According to scientists.

magnetic fields

Two measurement weights

Today, 12 years later, researchers at Sorbonne University show us that magnetic waves have biological effects: "According to our results, we can notWe should not ignore the cellular responses to magnetic fields induced by electrical devices in the environment."

The study shows that magnetic fields create dysfunctions in oxygen metabolism resulting in the production of chemical species called "Reactive species of theoxygen ".

Nevertheless, it can not be said with certainty whether these effects are positive or negative. Why that ? First a lot of the magnetic fields are known to doctors for having medical effects (alleviate pain or heal) Secondly, it is shown that at low doses, magnetic fields can be essential to certain animals. It is precisely on this point that Margaret Ahmad and Rachel Sherrad focused on so-called weak fields.

The researchers understood that magnetic fields produce radical oxygen, a kind of toxin that in large quantities could be harmful but at low rates could be beneficial.

magnetic fields

Experiments on the effects of magnetic fields

Many guinea pigs were needed and small flies volunteered. Why they? Simply because it was noticed that their larvae avoided areas of more than about 2 milliteslas (40 times that of the earth). However, this scheme only applied to larvae that had cryptochromes. The researchers put their personal touch into the study by studying mutant insects with human cryptochromes. And indeed they could notice on them the production of radical oxygen.

Thanks to this study, scientists can now understand a little better the effects of magneto-therapy. Again this type of study is to take with tweezers. So yes, mutants, MAGNETHOtherapy, we would tend to think of something else, but I assure you no, do not expect to see wings pushing you in the back.

magnetic fields

Some researchers even think that it is unlikely that cryptochrome acts alone and that it may not be directly sensitive to magnetic fields. The answer would be elsewhere. Another way of looking at things, we may not be so different from our plant friends. No relationship to ficus I reassure you, though we could perhaps share a common trait: this famous sixth sense. And if we had it too? It is perhaps he who allows us to perceive these magnetic fields.

Only certainty,these magnetic fields do indeed affect us, the researchers just do not know yet whether they are dangerous.
