Maintaining its line with Withings and SNCF


If you missed the European Mobility Week (oh woe!), You can still catch up with the Withings X SNCF challenge that runs until November 26th. Each week, several bracelets smart health connected to the French brand are up for grabs.

According to the latest survey conducted by the Withings Observatory, Ile-com-France residents are the most active people in France, with less than 20% of them not meeting the threshold of 4,000 daily steps (the national average is 25%). %). To encourage them to do even more activity and to conduct an even deeper study on the habits of Parisians, Withings and SNCF Transilien organize a contest that will see each week several participants leave with the activity sensor Pulse Ox of the Mark.

The principle of the contest "Walk in Lines" as follows: each week, the best walkers of each line as well as 40 players drawn at random in the 3 best teams of line will win the "battle of lines". They will be directly contacted by the organizing team of the event.

How to participate ?

  1. Sign up on the Withings official website

  2. Select the line you use daily

  3. Download the free Health Mate app that will measure your steps (iOS and Android available)

  4. Let the app measure your pace throughout the day

  5. Find real-time performance on the app

Walking is good for your health, and it's good … for your line!

The participants of the Walk in Lines contest totaled on September 23, 2015, 3:16 pm:

Lines in Lines competition statistics

