Make Alexa smarter with Alexa Answers – how it works


Alexa Answers – Conclusion on Amazon's Alexa Schlaumach project

Alexa Answers is fun and strongly reminiscent of a quizz. In the form of a gamification concept, users of the digital voice assistant can increase Alexa’s response quality. The questions presented to users in Alexa Answers are based on their activities and preferences. Of course, Amazon also gets to know its users better.

The more users reveal about themselves, the more specifically Amazon can adapt its services to individual needs. But of course also monetize. Alexa fans will love Alexa Answers.

Participate in Alexa Answers – how it works

As a greeting, Alexa Answers gives a brief overview of what participants can expect


Alexa Answers is a community for Alexa fans who want to help make Alexa smarter. Various knowledge categories are available for this. There are a total of 12 topics:

  • Wildlife

  • Weather

  • Cinema and TV

  • to eat and drink

  • geography

  • story

  • literature

  • music

  • science

  • Sports

  • ehealth games

  • Others

The Alexa Answers website states that an invitation is currently required to participate (status: 01/2020). In our Review, however, we were able to log in without any invitation using the login data of our Alexa account.

A total of 12 subject areas are available in Alexa Answers

(Screenshot: Alexa Answers) 

You can take Alexa Answers in 3 steps:

  1. To the website on the Internet Alexa Answers navigate

  2. Log in with the Amazon account log-in data in the top right corner of the start page

  3. Click the "Get Started" button on the welcome screen

  4. On the start page under "Questions for you" right click on "Customize" and select the desired subject areas.

Alexa Answers – where do the questions come from?

The Alexa Answers questions are questions that users often ask Alexa but cannot answer yet.

How do you answer questions in Alexa Answers?

To answer the Alexa Answers questions, the user must select a question category, enter the answer in an input field and click "send".

Can I work on Alexa Answers anonymously?

Yes, users have a Alexa Answers profile, but can set their Amazon Profile settings so that this other Alexa customer is not shown.

How is the Alexa Answers profile displayed?

If you have decided to display your Alexa Answers profile, the profile name and profile picture will be shown in the answers and on the website.

What are good answers at Alexa Answers?

Amazon rates responses that are short, direct, precise and in their own words as good answers.

What are bad answers at Alexa Answers?

Content that is obscene, threatening, or defamatory is considered bad responses that are not considered. Responses that violate privacy or intellectual property rights are also not accepted. This also includes violations of publication rights. Amazon gives more information in the Terms of Use.

How long can an Alexa Answers answer be?

An Alexa Answers answer cannot be longer than 300 characters.

What happens to the answers in Alexa Answers?

If an answer is accepted, Alexa can use it to answer the question. If there are more answers from different people, Alexa switches between them and collects feedback.

How do I know an Alexa Answers answer is being used?

If an answer is available to Alexa, it is marked with a green "LIVE" symbol under the answer.

How can I report an objectionable answer in Alexa Answers?

Users can flag offensive responses to report them.

What happens to objectionable or incorrect answers marked in Alexa Answers?

An answer marked as wrong or offensive will be hidden from the feed and checked. The responder can rephrase and resubmit to unmark. If the responder believes that their answer has been incorrectly marked, they can contact Amazon.

What do the thumbs up and down numbers mean at Alexa Answers?

An answer given in Alexa Answers collects feedback from other users. Alexa then asks: "Did that answer your question?" The number indicates how many Alexa users answered yes or no.

What are Alexa Answers scores?

Based on the quality, answers get points. This is based on the factors of frequency of use by Alexa and the quality that results from Alexa customer feedback.

Can I correct answers in Alexa Answers?

Yes. In addition to the given answer, there is a clickable "Edit" button. With the change, the responder loses feedback that has already been collected. Answers should therefore be processed as early as possible.

Can I delete inadvertently submitted answers in Alexa Answers?

Yes. Clicking the "Remove" option next to the answer will delete it. The associated statistics are also deleted.

What happens if there are multiple answers to the same question in Alexa Answers?

Alexa switches between the given answers and collects feedback. The answers with the most positive feedback are used most often.

What is a top question in Alexa Answers?

Top questions are questions that Alexa users ask particularly often.

What are star ratings in Alexa Answers?

A total of 5 stars can be answered. The number of stars depends on the rating of the Alexa Answers community and the feedback from Alexa customers.

Can I follow a question in Alexa Answers?

Yes. You can follow a question by clicking on the star symbol. In the "Followed" section, Alexa Answers users get an overview of the questions followed.
