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Marketing for the doctor's office: How to satisfy your referrers and bind them to your practice


Most doctors only realize how important referral marketing is when it is too late and the patients fail to appear. Act now to bind your referring colleagues to your practice. We'll show you how.

Satisfied patients are the basis of a successful medical practice. But satisfied referrers are almost more important. Because they send their patients to your practice. Think about it: How many of your patients reach you with a referral? Most? Then it's time for you to take a closer look at referral marketing.

Get to know your referrers

Do you know your referring colleagues? Then it's time. Visit doctors' congresses, advanced training and trade fairs. Get to know your colleagues in doctor networks on the Internet. Exchange experiences, ask questions and help your colleagues with useful information. Do not limit yourself to colleagues in your immediate vicinity. After all, you are a specialist in your field and of course, as such, also offer medical second opinions.

Listen to your referrers

What do referrers want from you as a doctor? Just ask. Sometimes it is enough to listen carefully, dispel concerns, and show genuine interest in the needs of your colleagues. Some problems can be solved by direct communication. For others, something more is needed. A web portal, for example, to protect and quickly transfer DICOM images instead of patient CDs, which are often illegible for a variety of reasons. Of the eArztbrief for communicating findings instead of sending faxes. Or even an online portal for your electronic appointment calendar, so that your referrers can make appointments for patients directly themselves. Maybe one right away Health cloudthat combines several of these services. Show your referrers how important they are to you. You will thank you.

Photo: www.pexels.com
