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  • Marketing for the medical practice: Basics for your practice marketing – you need to know that

Marketing for the medical practice: Basics for your practice marketing – you need to know that


Patients not only choose their doctor's office, but are also increasingly looking for specialists for a second medical opinion. Referrers help patients make this decision. Marketing is therefore becoming increasingly important for medical practices. 

How do patients and referrers make their decisions for or against a doctor's office? Clear communication, detailed information and good practice organization are now basic requirements for a doctor's office. In our 5 tips for successful practice marketing, we explain how you can also score with patients and referring doctors.

Show what your patients and referrers want to see

This information is essential on your website and in your patient brochure: opening times and contact details for making an appointment, a detailed description of services and answers to common questions and common procedures. Also think about what makes your practice different and what makes it different. And much more: How you want to communicate this image with your practice logo and, if applicable, a slogan, as well as with your texts and pictures. What do you do for your patients and referrers? Give specific examples. Are you a specialist in a specific field? Is your practice perhaps particularly family-friendly or suitable for the disabled? Do you offer any special services? Find out what makes your doctor's office special and put these features at the center of your communication. Concentrate on the essentials so as not to overwhelm your target groups.

Grant the uniform practice appearance

Communicate the image of your doctor's office that you have worked out with the essential features at all contact points. To do this, you communicate the same information, images and logos across all communication channels. Be sure to use the same phrases and photos on your website, in your brochures and flyers, as well as on your online profiles. In this way you create a uniform practice appearance that patients and referrers recognize everywhere. Because inconsistent communication only confuses your target groups unnecessarily.

Be where your patients and referrers are

Every contact can determine whether patients come to you or prefer to go to another doctor's office or get a second medical opinion from another specialist. Therefore, you should be present at as many contact points as possible. That starts with your entry in Google My Business goes through your profile in the well-known doctor search portals, right up to your website and of course your business card. The most important thing, however, is that you establish a good relationship with your referring colleagues and maintain them over a long period of time. Software for the secure exchange of patient data supports you in this. For example a web portal to protect and quickly transfer DICOM images. Of the eArztbrief for communicating findings. Or an online portal for your electronic appointment calendar so that your referrers can make appointments for patients themselves.

Bring visitors to your website and to your practice

Your presence at the contact points of patients and referrers generates the first visitors on your website and in your practice. In addition, you can provide further information on diseases, examination methods and treatment options on your website. It is best to enrich this information with relevant search terms such as your location, your specialist area and your services. This not only helps interested patients prepare for their visit to the doctor, but also shows their practice in search results when searching for suitable medical practices nearby. So that interested patients can make an appointment with their doctor's office as easily as possible and it is best to be reminded of this appointment in advance, software for online appointment assignment with a reminder function helps.

Provide the right information at the right time

So much for the duty. Now comes the freestyle. You offer your patients and referring physicians relevant information on your website and in your brochures and advertise them e.g. on Google My Business or in doctor search portals. If you want to do even more now, you can address your patients with the right information at the right time, e.g. remind you of examinations for preventive care or aftercare by newsletter or SMS. Or you can send your patients important documents such as information sheets, data protection statements, etc. online before the examination so that they can bring them signed. Or you can give your patients their examinations and findings digitally via Health cloud with and reach new referring doctors at the same time. You have many options, you just have to use them.

Photo: www.pexels.com
