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  • Matignon unblocks € 242 million to deploy very high speed in the territories

Matignon unblocks € 242 million to deploy very high speed in the territories


Key to access to healthcare in the territories and the deployment of e-health, the fixed digital coverage, ie the generalization of broadband throughout France, is planned for 2020 and that of very high speed for 2022, recalls -your.

To achieve the objectives set by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, signed on October 23 a set of 10 decisions of financing of the State in favor of networks of public initiative carried by communities , for a total amount of 242 million euros.

The funding will benefit the following territories:

  • Somme (36,18 M € for a cumulative support to the project of 56,43 M €)

  • Côte-d'Or (€ 36.24m for cumulative support to the € 47.09m project)

  • Orne (€ 30 million)

  • Dordogne (€ 44.97 million for cumulative support to the € 60.07 million project)

  • Yonne (€ 14.25 million for cumulative project support of € 22.13 million)

  • Nièvre (€ 23.43 million)

  • Hérault (€ 17.01 million)

  • Mayenne (17.34 M € for a cumulative support to the project of 19,33 M €)

  • Tarn-et-Garonne (€ 19.13 million)

  • Gard (€ 3.08 million).
