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  • Medicine of the future and security, what measures for health?

Medicine of the future and security, what measures for health?

We are entering the era of the Medicine of the future, not to say that we are already there. By 2020, the weight of e-health will be around $ 117 billion. Well-being, physical fitness, remote monitoring… so many new things that are leading us to rethink our health system.

Digital as the possible advent of personalized medicine?

A recent report forecasts a significant growth in smart health connected health, certainly due to an already better controlled, and perhaps better understood, management of the devices made available. Faced with the aging of the population and chronic diseases, more and more websites are flourishing and there are more or less wacky diagnoses. However, the majority of health professionals are in favor self-diagnosis, are therefore obviously favorable to the advent of Medicine of the Future. But what about their training in these innovations? A new web platform, mesdocteurs.com, has successfully raised 1.2 million euros for its development. A success that hits health home amidst the thousands of dubious information that can be found by typing "I have a headache" in search engines. Here it is possible to speak with a real doctor, online. No more anxiety-provoking forums that find us cancers when we twisted our ankles.Radically reshape the medical landscape, favor the result more than the procedureThe Ministry of Health is doing everything to support innovation. Marisol Touraine, who compares the digital upheaval to that of electricity in the 19th century, announced at the National Innovation Day on January 23, 2016, a budget of 340 million euros, dedicated to healthcare innovation, for startups, the leading healthcare players of the future. The growth of e-health technology is accompanied by an increasing risk of piracy, and even, in the current climate, of a terrorist risk. How to lock, control access to our data? The vital card is easy to hack, what about electronic chips? If we are to be all smart health connected, we can legitimately ask these questions. Marisol Touraine touched on his speech on National Innovation Day that digital advances in health will not come at the expense of security conditions. However, the subject which seems essential, does not yet seem really treated.Phillipe Douste Blazy, meanwhile, former Minister of Health and now creator of the startup Honestica, advises never to communicate anything about his personal health data, to his banker or even his insurer. It sounds obvious, but it is true that in a disaster situation, we can easily imagine what would happen if our health data fell into ill-advised and especially ill-intentioned hands! Anticipation writers have already done this. Also according to Douste Blazy, the French medical system may not yet be ready for such changes, changes that would revolutionize all our habits in the field: we are currently in the yard of a radical transformation. Yes, but at what price ?The evolution of medicine is to move from an individual curative medicine – which is very expensive – to a community and preventive medicine, thanks to Big Dataconcludes the latter, who is therefore about to Review his solution at a Toulouse hospital.Hospital discharge reports are still sent by post, we propose to manage them electronically. And he relies on the support of hospital doctors to make this electronic medical record a success.In conclusion, the (positive) agitation of the actors of innovation, startups, philosophers, companies … will allow to obtain an inexhaustible source of personal data, far beyond the size, the weight, the heart rate … once integrated into big data, they can be used for dubious purposes. It will no longer be a question of losing your vital card only and having to resort to an administrative procedure to renew it, but of losing the smartphone which will be able to detect heart attacks before even feeling pain …So many questions that remain unanswered for the moment, and cause our impatience!