The method to finally put an end to difficult awakenings

You are tired of those difficult awakenings where the alarm rings and pulls you out of a pleasant dream. Well in the following lines, I will reveal a method that will ensure you a successful awakening every morning and that will make you live a day without fatigue.

You are so comfortable under your warm duvet lying comfortably... And yet you know that you will have to get up and turn off your alarm clock which emits this detestable daily ringtone... But the very idea of ​​moving your body is an ordeal... In addition, you're not facing the right way and your arm is too short… You'll have to turn around and open your eyes so as not to drop everything on your bedside table while clumsily trying to access this button! After a Herculean effort of your will, you finally manage to turn it off... Finally, calm returns to your room and after this ordeal, you give yourself a few minutes of recuperation before getting up... But despite yourself, sleep reminds you... You fight... But he's too strong... Morpheus' arms are so comforting... But a few minutes later, the alarm clock rings again like a 2nd warning before the sanction... Stress takes hold of you and you decide, annoyed, to silence this man for good. morning impostor and get up. You are finally up with your mouth dry, your eyes half-open, wandering around your room. It is difficult for you to come to your senses in order to start your day, although badly.

As you can see, this scenario smacks of lived experience! Indeed very small already, I was not morning. Still a teenager, I remember my mother tearing off my duvet to force me to get up ;-). A few years ago, I felt this feeling of hell on earth in the morning when I woke up. I tried multiple stratagems, tricks, techniques in order to wake up more efficiently. I have also tried all kinds of alarm clocks, all more technological than the others (light alarm clocks, nature atmosphere alarm clocks, vibrating watch/bracelet alarm clocks, etc.). But nothing worked, I was still plagued by this morning fatigue that was ruining my life!

Because I applied bad principles. Using willpower to wake up in the morning doesn't always work even if the night before before going to bed we knew it was important to get up early. But our conscious brain in the morning is not at all in the same conditions as our conscious brain in the evening. In the morning, our brain will always succeed in convincing us that other solutions are possible to delay this awakening. I have come to the conclusion that this morning conscious brain should no longer be trusted.

The principle of the method that I am going to reveal to you calls on the power of our unconscious brain which does not reason but applies the instructions that are programmed to it with fingers and to the letter.

I have now discovered and tested this simple method as effective as my mother's alarm clock although much gentler 😉 From now on, I can get out of bed without any difficulty a few seconds after my alarm clock goes off (set at 6:00 a.m.) . In less than a minute, my brain is fully operational, and I feel the excitement of living the day ahead of me.

How did I come to this transformation? Simply by applying 5 main principles:

First of all, you must be motivated to carry out this method. Lots of people read and listen to all sorts of practical information thinking it's interesting… But few of them actually apply it. I assure you that, if you apply this system to the letter that I will reveal to you in the following lines, you will wake up in the morning rested, dynamic and in a good mood.

It is important that your "morning brain" be informed of what it expects in this day that is beginning. As I mentioned above, your morning brain will always find excuses not to wake up completely. It is therefore necessary to give him good reasons to put him in a state of awakening. Take the example of a morning when you absolutely have to get up at 4:00 a.m. to catch a plane for a professional mission or to go on vacation. As a rule, we have no difficulty getting out of bed. Sometimes we are even woken up a few minutes before the alarm clock rings. It is therefore important to have good reasons to get up and to be aware of the consequences of waking up too late leading to the famous "wake-up failure". It is therefore crucial first to plan your day and find relevant reasons to get up. This habit is also strongly recommended in the management of our time to increase our efficiency.

In order to respect its biological cycle, it is important to respect this principle. Our body is subject to different rhythms such as the circadian rhythm (day/night) and the ultradian rhythm (sleep cycles). These cycles depend on many parameters and it is important to ensure that our waking time is in an adequate phase of our sleep cycle. When we sleep, we alternate between different phases: micro-awakening, slow-wave sleep and REM sleep. These 3 phases will correspond to a sleep cycle that can last between 60 and 120 minutes depending on the person. It is always wiser to set your alarm clock at the end or at the start of a cycle, during a micro-awakening period or in REM sleep. Waking up in the middle of a cycle, that is to say in full slow wave sleep, is very difficult and more particularly in the deep phases of this slow wave sleep. Why? Because at this stage of sleep, our brain activity is very slow while it is very fast during the other phases of the cycle.

It is therefore appropriate to advance or delay your waking time by a few tens of minutes and to be attentive to your feelings. It is not uncommon that advancing one's waking time by a quarter of an hour can be less painful than delaying it by the same time. This is what happens when you turn off your alarm clock and decide to stay in bed for just a few minutes before getting up. Very often, we fall back into the arms of Morpheus and we begin a new cycle. The alarm clock rings again when we started a cycle. Waking up while we are in slow sleep is very difficult. So take care to wake up at the same time every day to get your brain used to this alarm being set for the end of a sleep cycle.

This step is the heart of this method because it will consist of conditioning your brain to wake up in the best conditions. You will somehow "hack" your conscious brain by going directly to give instructions to your unconscious. You are going to do what is called Pavlovian conditioning. Below is the explanation of this conditioning taken from Wikipedia:

“This conditioning is based on a conditional reflex highlighted by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov who gave it his name. From 1889, the physiologist showed that if a dog was accustomed to accompanying its food with a sound stimulus, the latter could in the long run trigger the animal's salivation without being accompanied by food. In fact, it has been demonstrated that the secretion of saliva can be provoked by direct contact with food or by a stimulus linked to it, such as the sound of a bell, for example. Pavlov significantly advanced research on conditioned reflexes. These reflexes can be likened to an involuntary, non-innate reaction provoked by an external stimulus. Pavlov developed the theory that reactions acquired through learning and habit become reflexes when the brain makes the connections between the stimulus and the action that follows. »

On the basis of this great principle which no longer needs to be demonstrated, you will carry out a Pavlovian conditioning of your alarm clock:

The alarm clock rings = I get up immediately full of energy.

How to do:

1. Act like you're going to bed. It is important that you are in the same conditions. It is therefore important to prepare your bedtime ritual. Set your alarm clock to ring within 5 minutes. Lie down and pretend to fall asleep. Respect these 5 minutes carefully because, if you lengthen this countdown, you risk starting a sleep cycle, which you must not do.

2. Once the alarm goes off, move your legs to get your blood flowing. Take a deep breath and exhale vigorously. Stretch completely by contracting your muscles. Then get up and go put some cold water on your face. Then put yourself in the conditions for the start of the day, being ready to have breakfast, get dressed or go to wash... Repeat this exercise 2-3 times a day for at least a week (weekend included) as a series of muscular exercises (pumps/abdo/steps/etc…).

3. At the end of the exercise, set your alarm clock to the normal time of your alarm clock and fall asleep peacefully with the conviction that the next morning, you will unconsciously reproduce this behavior when your alarm clock goes off. It's hard to predict how long it will take for your brain to apply this conditioning. Research in psychology shows that a habit is solidified in 21 days. But I can assure you that already after a few days you will feel the effects.

If you usually have difficulty falling asleep at night, I advise you to do this exercise at another time of the day so as not to make it more difficult to fall asleep. However, it is more effective to do this exercise under bedtime conditions because it will be conditioned to your bedtime ritual. If you nevertheless have difficulty falling asleep, you can apply the tips that I reveal to you in my free coaching.

Another alternative for people who have trouble falling asleep after this exercise is to do it mentally. To do this, lie down in bed and relax. Take a few deep breaths and exhale deeply while relaxing each part of your body. Feel your body rest heavily on the mattress. With each exhale, you sink deeper into your mattress. After a few minutes of relaxation, imagine yourself in your bed in the morning when you wake up. It is important for the conditioning to be as effective as possible that you involve all your senses: visualize yourself in this bed, the alarm clock ready to ring. The wake-up time says 5:59 and you know the alarm is going to ring at 6:00. You feel the quilt on your skin and smell its scent. Suddenly it is 6:00 a.m., the alarm goes off. At this moment you will perform the exercise mentioned in point 2 (above) but mentally. Always take care to involve your 5 senses in each of your movements. Perform this operation 2-3 times also until sleep takes you. it is imperative that this mental conditioning be as real as possible. Why? Because our unconscious does not differentiate between a lived experience and an intensely imagined experience.

Good sleep hygiene remains essential to have quality sleep during the night. This method will be useless if you do not also respect some basic principles. I therefore invite you to watch my free videos in which I reveal 13 tips to make your sleep your ally for the day. Don't forget that if you want to live days at 100% of your means, stay dynamic, energetic, zen and efficient, ready for all adventures without feeling tired, above all take care of your sleep.

I really encourage you to try this method if you are tired of waking up tired, irritated and in a bad mood. I assure you that it works and it could well change your life.

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