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  • Microkinesitherapy, maxi-care – Therapies – Smart be well

Microkinesitherapy, maxi-care – Therapies – Smart be well

Little known to the general public, but attracting more and more physiotherapists, microkinesitherapy deserves special attention. A manual technique founded by two Frenchmen, it could provide therapeutic responses to a number of pathologies. So what does she bring? What are its means? Review.

Microkinesitherapy is a technique of care and manual assessment, founded in the 1980s by two French osteopaths and physiotherapists, Daniel Grosjean and Patrice Benini.

Cellular storage

Microkinesitherapy aims to find, in the patient’s body, traces of somatized traumatic eventsand stimulate the areas concerned to trigger natural self-correction mechanisms. In other words, the human body is designed to adapt, defend itself and self-correct in the event of aggression (traumatic, emotional, toxic, viral, microbial, environmental, etc.). When the aggression exceeds its defense capacity, the organism will be altered.

The basic idea of ​​microkinesitherapy it is the tissue memory of the aggression, a memorization that is palpable and identifiable by the therapist. Its goal, after having identified the etiology, the origin of the trauma, is to avoid the degradation of the tissues and the appearance of a algodystrophy and to restore its functions by stimulating self-correction mechanisms.

Proponents of this technique claim many ratings carried out since the beginning of the 1980s, attesting to its effectiveness in the treatment of disorders linked to physical shocks and traumas, to psychological or emotional shocks and even to contact with toxic substances and pollution.

A new cartography

Intrigued by the fact that many patients often return to see osteopaths or physiotherapists for the same blockages, and having identified certain limits from their basic practices, Grosjean and Benini set out to develop a therapy supplementing physiotherapy but which, through hard work, research and observation, has become a practice in its own right. What limits are we talking about? The first of these is recalled by Daniel Grosjean: “All physiotherapy has been developed on post-mortem, corpses, whereas working on a living body is obviously totally different. »

Marked by his long years of theology, Grosjean had an intuition: “In theology, we are always pushed to return to the origins, to the source. I thus had the idea, to return to the source of human body, to open books of embryology. »The adventure of the formation of the human body thus becomes a field of exploration and analysis which allows the founders of microkinesitherapy to obtain, among other things, a new “mapping” of the body to be treated.

Its contribution, its innovation?

In physiotherapy, the muscles are grouped by their physiology, in groups: extensor, flexor, adductor, abductor or rotator muscles. This approach is necessary to establish rehabilitation protocols, as Daniel Grosjean admits, but it is “of no use for the search for a traumatic etiology”. For microphysiotherapists, the three tissues of the embryo – in the first place of which the mesoblasts which supply all the muscular apparatus, both visceral and locomotor – are essential. Whether they are lateral (ventral region) or paraxial (dorsal region), these mesoblasts (as well as the ectoblastic and endoblastic tissues) offer a new reading for the microphysiotherapist. From this genesis of the human body which leaves traces, is born a new form of investigation whose inspection devices are the hands.

Soft tissue and healing

As in osteopathy, it is neither in the joints, nor in the tendons, nor even in the fascias (aponeuroses in French) that the key to healing is found, but in muscles and dermis, the so-called soft tissues. As in osteopathy, the primary respiratory movement (PRM) of the tissues is the key to relieving contractions and other blockages (“restrictions”) and to self-correction. This movement, felt by the therapist’s hands, corresponds to an opening and closing timed at a rate of approximately three seconds to go and three seconds to return, and totally independent of the patient’s breathing. But, unlike osteopathy, microkinesitherapy does not limit this MRP to the skull and the sacrum, since it is present according to her in all the joints of the body.


Great innovation and specificity of microkinesitherapy, micropalpation. Clearly, how a session takes place: you sit on a massage table, fully dressed and the therapist examines you with his hands. As Daniel Grosjean points out: “The fact that the patients remain fully clothed does not bother us. On the one hand, it allows the most prude not to be tense, and on the other hand, we do not need to be in contact with the skin. Because the information collected by the microkinesitherapist is not at hand but between the hands. And the term to auscultate is not the most appropriate, because the microkinesitherapist transforms “tissue listening” by the “tissue interrogation”. Instead of leaving his hands still on the area to be tested, the therapist places them on either side of the area to be controlled in such a way as to make a slow and continuous movement to control the reaction of the area. If the primary respiratory movement is altered or even absent, the therapist perceives the resistance that prevents his hands from sliding freely. He can then determine the etiology of the trauma and proceed with the functional correction. Correction that Daniel Grosjean puts into perspective: “What raises questions in the field of functional correction is the lack of explanation of the phenomenon. » Modifications appear, improvements are outlined whereas the therapist apparently did not carry out any specific gesture. It is by releasing the primary respiratory movement that the body corrects itself, it is he who reacts and performs the expected correction when the initial blockage has disappeared. But it’s not about magic: “To eliminate post-traumatic sequelae inscribed inside the muscle, we reproduce the stretch but in an extremely gentle and delicate way so as not to attack the muscle again, but in order to indicate to it the cause of its dysfunction”, reveals Patrice Benini. This micropalpation acts as a kind of homeopathic remedy“of a correction in the similarity, in the infinitesimal, of a therapy which is part of the medicine of similars which completes the medicine of opposites”, specifies the latter.

In two sessions, otherwise nothing

But Daniel Grosjean and Patrice Benini warn: “If in two or three sessions, one month apart, the therapist does not manage to define the etiology and solve the problem that brings the patient, we invite him to consult a general practitioner. » Consult a general practitioner because the pathologies treated by microkinesitherapy go far beyond back or joint problems.

Who can practice?

Reserved only for doctors, physiotherapists and veterinarians, training in microkinesitherapy takes place over three cycles of six days for the first two and one day for the third. The study of microkinesitherapy is done from traumatic injuries inscribed in the muscles, to be found, corrected, and reproduced experimentally. The lesions inscribed in the nervous circuits, the lesions of toxins and emotional, the relational and existential lesions are then approached, with, in perpetual line of sight, the search for the etiology of the traumatisms.

Why this discretion?

This technique is however little known to the general public. Is it a deliberate choice, to remain discreet? To prevent the practice from escaping the strict training always provided by the founders? “We don’t know how to do it in reality, smiles Patrice Benini, we have worked a lot for 35 years to develop and create this therapeutic technique from scratch. So when it came time to make ourselves known through the media, we were a bit helpless. Especially since the work of fellow journalists can have deleterious effects. “Because I said during an interview that one or two sessions of microkinesitherapy were needed at most to identify and treat a pathology or to admit that there was no solution, a journalist was content to headline: “Microkinesitherapy heals in one session”. It’s not at all what I said and, worse, it’s a lie that serves us, ”laments Daniel Grosjean. Let’s hope we took the time not to make too many mistakes, because having tested this method, we say: it works.

For whom, for what, how much?

Microkinesitherapy is for all patients, whatever their age, from infant to senior citizens, for therapeutic, preventive or simple control sessions. Of course, this discipline proves to be very effective in the treatment of disorders related to the musculoskeletal system (sprain, dislocation, tendonitis, fractures and their sequelae, lumbago, rheumatism, lumbago, torticollis, etc.), but considering that tissue memory preserves all traces of trauma, microkinesitherapy proves to be formidable for help the body to correct psychological or emotional shocks (frustrations, conflicts, bereavements, etc.) which disrupt the nervous circuits, toxic traumas (food, heavy metals, environmental pollution, poisons) which affect the vital rhythm of the mucous tissues and the endocrine system.

Social Security has not, to date, included microkinesitherapy on the list of approved acts covered. As a result, the practitioner cannot establish a sickness sheet. On the other hand, he can draw up a bill of fees. The prices are free and fixed by the practitioner himself who undertakes to establish them with “tact and moderation”. They must be displayed in the waiting room and can be requested by telephone. They are usually fixed around 45 €, except in large cities (Paris in particular). In addition, some mutual funds cover these sessions (such as acupuncture, homeopathy or osteopathy, etc.).

After the session

The session completed (between 30 and 45 minutes), the therapist found and awakened the disorders that motivated the consultation. The body then begins to evacuate them. You can feel tired for 48 hours, as well as experience pain or emotions directly related to the release of the scars that caused the pain. Drinking plenty of water, to facilitate elimination, and not making too much effort are the only prescription.

You can support healing for better results:

  • Before, during and after the session: take Omega 3 to facilitate cellular exchanges

  • Immediately after the session: drink plenty of water or herbal tea to facilitate elimination.

  • After the session: support your liver with Desmodium to eliminate waste and certain emotions

  • Take a short course of psyllium to carry out a physical cleansing of the intestine.

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