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  • Mint Energie and Comwatt launch an ultra green electricity offer

Mint Energie and Comwatt launch an ultra green electricity offer

This “smart & green” offer will make it possible to buy renewable “4 star” electricity at the price of conventional, classified & star electricity. “Grégory Lamotte, founder of the French leader in self-consumption boxes, is all the more pleased with this launch because he has made the herald of a new classification of electricity, finer than that developed by the Ademe, which distinguishes three categories.

Whether facing the detractors of renewable energies or facing the consumer, it is increasingly important to be able to prove the real added value of truly green electricity “, He says.

Difficult indeed for the 49 suppliers on the French market to differentiate themselves, knowing that all consumers are smart health connected to a single network in which all the electrons mix, whatever their origin.

No electron traceability

End-to-end traceability does not exist in the world of electricity », Observes Grégory Lamotte. Some are getting down to it, however, like Engie, who is testing a blockchain system to track the electron from its production on a dam to the consumer’s health home located nearby. However, those who could demonstrate their difference and their impact in terms of energy transition could, at the same time, justify a possible additional cost to their customers.

Hence the idea for this classification, ranging from 1 to 5 stars and operating on the same principle as the Michelin Guide or the Tripadvisor platform.

The first category refers to the all-inclusive, including in particular nuclear and fossil fuels. The second proves that the supplier has acquired guarantees of origin from a producer of renewable energy, even if the electricity purchased is not necessarily renewable.

How to avoid completely nuclear and fossil fuels

With three stars, as proposed by Enercoop, the consumer is assured that his supplier buys, over the year, a volume of electricity from renewable sources equivalent to that which he sells to him. This is what fits the category premium for Ademe, and it is in this way that a consumer like Google is supplied, for example, which constantly praises its 100% renewable food. However, like the other consumers in this category, the multinational is not immune to consuming nuclear or even carbon-based electricity outside the periods of production of renewable energies.

Hence the initiative of Comwatt and its partners, in this case, Mint Energie, to guarantee their customers 100% green electricity 24/24 and 7/7. How do they do it? By associating for around 50% of consumption a share of solar self-consumption (the natural market of Comwatt, which, in 5 years, installed its boxes in 12,000 individual houses) and by resorting, for the balance, to the production of small hydroelectric plants.

Thanks to the efforts made by the partners, this offer makes it possible to buy 4-star electricity at the price of conventional electricity », Assures Grégory Lamotte.

When will the expansion of collective self-consumption begin?

The Comwatt box makes it possible to reduce the consumption of a health home by 20% and to re-inject into the national network the surplus of non-consumed electricity, while its network guarantees the quality of the self-consumption installations, a point often overlooked. which fuels the distrust of certain consumers.

An even more category premium exists, which would increase the share of both renewable and locally produced electricity to 70%. But for that, it would be necessary for collective self-consumption to be authorized and economically profitable, in a broader way than currently authorized by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), downstream of the same transformer station. A brake which should not last with regard to European directives.
