More climate protection through a smart health home heater


What is smart heating anyway?

For most consumers, a smart health home is all about safety and comfort, as surveys show. Similarly, when renovating homes: Many homeowners want to modernize their bathroom or do something for more accessibility – and forget to simultaneously provide more energy efficiency. The costs for renovation can often be compensated for by the saved energy costs within a few years.

Smart health home heating controls can pay for themselves quickly – for example, by doing what consumers often forget:

  • in the absence and open windows / doors down regulate the radiator

  • warn if the windows / doors are open too long

How big is the savings potential of smart heating?

This alone can save in an apartment on average 160 euros per year and 600 kg of CO2 avoid, in an average family house even 300 euros and about 1,000 kg of CO2, In addition, there is a clear plus in terms of comfort. Because smart thermostats do not have to be individually controlled down individually: So just press a button or an app that recognizes automatically leaving the apartment. Also handy: adjusting the desired temperature on the way, if the residents come health home sooner or later than planned, also manually or automatically. How big is the individual savings potential in heating, online calculators like the "HeizCheck".

How big is the savings potential of smart heating?


What is particularly smart heating?

But a smart heating control can do a lot more – for example by providing a better overview:

  • warn with unusually high fuel consumption

  • for sluggish heating systems such as surface or underfloor heating use weather forecasts

Controlling energy consumption can reach a whole new level with smart health home elements. Because so far there is only one control per year in the worst case, namely as soon as an invoice arrives. If then a high additional payment is due, the frustration is great. With smart helpers such as gas smart meters or heat meters, however, control is possible at any time. This makes it possible to recognize and correct increasing energy consumption much faster. In addition, such monitoring permanently ensures transparency in energy consumption, facilitates the analysis (regularly and before / after a refurbishment) and enables continuous optimization.

Weather forecasts can provide more energy efficiency, especially with sluggish heating systems. Because surface or underfloor heating reacts much slower than simple radiators. So it can happen that a floor heating still heats up a room, although the desired temperature is already reached by a lot of sun or higher outside temperatures. With a smart heating control, sluggish heating systems can be adjusted to rising or falling temperatures earlier thanks to weather forecasting – and this in due time and fully automatically.

It is also possible with a smart connection and the automatic monitoring of the heating system. This will alert a maintenance service if problems occur or there is potential for optimization. By remote maintenance can then determine what can be done online or locally.

Control heating energy consumption: for example, with the free energy savings account

(Phil Dera / 

What are the differences in smart heating for tenants and owners as well as new construction and old buildings?

Even tenants can heat smart. Because many smart health home systems can be easily installed and taken along when moving: from individual smart thermostats to complete packages with various sensors and heating control via app. There are some additional options for owners. They can, for example, install sensors or lay cables during renovation or new construction – and they have access to the entire heating system, including the boiler and its control system. This also allows automatic remote maintenance and optimization.

There are also differences in new and old buildings. But basically, both can become a smart health home. If you are planning a new building, you should consider smart heating right from the start. Best with the help of an independent energy consultant who knows about smart health home systems. If an old building is extensively renovated, such an energy consultant should also be involved.

What subsidies are there for smart heating?

The same applies to the smart heating control: It is best to combine it with other projects. That's the way to use subsidies, especially for owners and old buildings. There are various funding programs in question for this:

  • Optimize heating (BAFA)

  • energy-efficient renovation (KfW)

  • Energy Consulting (KfW and BAFA)

If you have your heating optimized, you can also apply for subsidies for smart heating. A 30 percent subsidy from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) is available for a new heating pump and hydraulic balancing – and for smart elements such as "separate measuring, control and user interfaces".

If energy-efficient renovation takes place, there is a subsidy or loan from KfW – also for smart heating. For example, when an old heater is replaced with a new one, a ventilation system is installed or windows and doors are renewed. Smart health home security systems are also eligible.

There is also funding for energy advice. Who plans a new building or a renovation, should use the – and also owners who want to be advised in detail for smart heating. For example, finding suitable funding helpscheck funding"From co2online, the search for experts like energy consultants makes the business directory easier"Advice and action".

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