MY BEAUTY REGIME (2017) – Anti Aging


“Mo, what do you use yourself in terms of facial care?” is a question I often get asked. You often also want to know in which order I use the products. Nice item for a blog!

As a blogger you have the luxury that you can often try new things. But of course I can’t give everything I test a permanent place on my sink. Hubby regularly remarks dryly that many a pharmacy is jealous of my colorful collection of jars, pumps and bottles. You can see below which products are part of my daily ritual (with today’s status, because the list can change).

Which products?

To keep it clear, I have numbered everything I tap, massage and lubricate in the photo below. There are no fewer than 10 items on the hook and I will give you an explanation per product. Are you ready for it?

Tadaaaahhh…. the products!

1 Advanced Cleanser – Dermaceutic

A nice foaming cleanser to clean your skin daily. This is how my whole ritual starts in the morning at least. Pssssttt…. do not tell anyone. To be honest, I sometimes skip cleaning in the evening because I want to go to bed quickly. Shame on me, because especially in the evening it is very important to properly rid your skin of all the pollution of the day.

2 Foamer 15 – Dermaceutic

This is a cleansing foam with no less than 15% glycolic acid. Glycol stimulates cell renewal and increases the permeability of your skin, so that active ingredients are better absorbed. I use it daily right after the cleanser (No. 1). Knowing more? Then read the special article about glycolic acid.

3 Hydrating B5 – SkinCeuticals

My skin loves to slurp; a parched desert is nothing compared to it. Fortunately, I have now found a top product to moisturize: Hydrating B5 from SkinCeuticals. These are hyaluronic acid drops that are quickly absorbed, after which the skin feels wonderfully soft and full. I use it in the morning after the vitamin C drops (No. 4) and in the evening before applying the cream (No. 6).

4 Phlorentin CF – SkinCeuticals

These vitamin C drops prevent premature aging, delicious right? This is because they fight free radicals. Once a day I apply 4 to 5 drops immediately after cleansing (No. 1 and 2).

5 Derma Lift 5.0 – Dermaceutic

A soft cream that I apply on and under my eyes to prevent lines and puffiness. It contains peptides and pullulan, substances that give a lifting effect. Ps I spread this cream all the way on my eyelids and up to the lashes, because it is also needed there (thanks for the tip, Annemarie van Rosmalen!).

6 Youth EssentiA C-Quence Serum 4 – Environ

I use every other day, both in the morning and in the evening, after the hyaluronic acid drops (no. 3). This serum contains (derivatives of) vitamin A acid and a form of vitamin C. Vitamin A acid is really a must if you want to keep the skin firm. Disadvantage: You have to be careful with this as it can quickly irritate your face. But at Environ they have a great build-up system where your skin can get used to Vitamin A-Acid step by step. I also went through this whole system once.

7 Alpha Hydroxy Cream – Environ

This is a not too intense product with glycolic acid. A great cream if I don’t want to tire my skin too much (for example a few days after a laser treatment), but still want to stimulate a little.

8 Turn Over – Dermaceutic

And one more item with glycolic acid (see no. 2 and 7) in my routine! This cream is a glycolic acid heavyweight (15%). It makes your skin nice and soft and I use it 2 to 3 times a week in the evening after cleansing (No. 1 and 2.). Especially in combination with Retinol (no. 9), I see a real difference in the morning.

9 Activ Retinol 1.0 – Dermaceutic

The retinol in this serum (just like No. 6) is converted into Vitamin A acid. Good for firm, beautiful skin, remember? Unfortunately I can’t use it too often, because then I get pimples and blemishes. But it definitely works, so I’m always looking for the right balance. I use it 2 to 3 times a week as a last resort in my ritual after greasing the Turn Over (no. 8).

10 Revival Masque – Environ

A nice mask that I put on my cleansed skin twice a week before going to sleep. Nothing before and nothing after. Then Asian acid, lactic acid and mandelic acid work hard for you to moisturize and smooth your face. The inventor of all this (Mr Des Fernandes) calls his product ‘a facelift in a bottle’. And on some days (unfortunately I don’t always see this ‘wow effect’) I quite agree with him.

So… those were all my favorite products. Now take a break ??

Take a good look at your own skin

So there are quite a lot of items that I use. If you want to try one of these products, first look carefully at the needs of your own skin. What works for me does not necessarily have to work for you. And be careful with vitamin A acid. Do you want specific advice about the brands I use and do you want to know whether they are also suitable for your skin? With regard to the creams and serums of Dermaceutic and SkinCeuticals, I can, for example, recommend the Van Rosmalenkliniek. And for all the ins and outs about Environ (or for an introductory treatment) you are in good hands at SB Cosmetics or Mooi van Binnenuit.

X Mo

Postscript: the articles I described above were my favorites in 2017. In the meantime I have also made a 2019 version because I have exchanged quite a few articles.

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