my boxing fight against an AI at CES 2019


BotBoxer is the first punching bag with artificial intelligence to analyze the user's performance and detect his movements in order to dodge shots. While at CES 2019, we had the opportunity to face this machine for a round of 3 minutes.

After three full days of traveling through CES's Las Vegas bays, even with a passion for technology, the machines are seriously starting to get on my nerves. Luckily, it is at this moment that I stumble upon the Skytechsport booth and its BotBoxer: the first punching bag with artificial intelligence. Without hesitation, like a champion doped with the Burger 2.0 Impossible Foods, I decided to get on the ring to spend my nerves against this 240 kg robot, equipped with a six-core processor clocked at 4.0 Ghz.

This computing power has several interests. Thanks to different sensors and computer vision technology, the BotBoxer is able to follow all the movements of the user and calculate the strength, velocity and direction of the shots with impressive accuracy. This allows you to benefit from a detailed analysis of the training sessions, to receive detailed statistics and to benefit from advices to progress little by little.

The other usefulness of artificial intelligence is to allow the BotBoxer to react in real time. Indeed, this punching bag is able to avoid the punches that are carried "faster than a champion of the world". To check if this statement from Skytechsport is true, I put on the gloves and lift my guard. The gong rings. It's gone for three minutes.

BotBoxer: the first punching bag capable of dodging shots

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At the beginning of the fight, the BotBoxer is not very reactive. Each of my shots touches it without difficulty, and the punching ball moves back under the power of impact. However, as and when, the machine is becoming faster and faster. In the last thirty seconds, I'm unable to hit her even while hitting at full speed. It's painful to admit, but I lost my fight against AI.

In reality, it is possible to adjust the different parameters of the BotBoxer : its speed of evasion, its resistance to blows, or even its sensitivity. If this last factor is set to a high level, the punching ball will be sounded a few seconds after a powerful impact. The opportunity for the user to place a few extra hits. The different features are set through a very intuitive gauge system on a touch screen.

The responsiveness can also adjust automatically in a progressive manner depending on the performance of the user. Many customizable training programs are also available. Thus, in addition to allowing you to work your strength like a classic punching bag, the BotBoxer can improve your cardio, the speed of your strokes and endurance.

Nominated among the finalists for the best innovations of CES 2019, the BotBoxer does have the potential to revolutionize boxing training. However, its extremely high price reserves this gem of technology to the gyms and other boxing clubs. Indeed, the device will soon available for a price of 25 000 dollars. Suffice to say that it will take a few years to see this technology land in your living room!

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