NAET, another track against allergies

THE NAET method proposes a particular stimulation of the roots of the sympathetic nervous system which sends a message to the brain which leads it to reconsider its erroneous perception of the precise substance which causes an allergy

Dr. Devi Nambudripad was born in India where she spent her childhood. She settled permanently in California in 1976. Having been extremely ill since birth due to a multitude of allergies and various sensitivities (she lived for several years being able to eat only white rice and broccoli) she naturally headed for medical studies to find a cure for his ailments.

She first obtained a nursing diploma (Registered Nurse), then she undertook studies in Acupuncture and Oriental medicine, for which she has a Doctorate (PhD). She is also a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), Kinesiologist, and now Doctor of Medicine. In 1983, while constantly seeking solutions to her health problems by trying to combine the different disciplines she was studying, she "stumbled" on the discovery that allowed her to develop NAET.

The Foundations of the Method

The knowledge base that supports this method is therefore an assembly of notions of Allopathy, Oriental medicine and Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Kinesiology and Dietetics.Dr. Devi Nambudripad's simple definition of allergy is: "An allergy is an individual's favorable physical, physiological and/or psychological response to the presence of one or more substances called allergens. For the majority of people, however, these same substances are harmless or well tolerated, even useful to their health.Dr. Nambudripad addresses allergies proper - involving the release in the body of type E immunoglobulins (lgE) - and intolerances, sensitivities or hypersensitivities in the same way. His technique identifies and indeed heals them in the same way.

By pushing the reflection further and relying on Eastern medical theory (everything on earth is surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field) it appears that this "unfavorable response" can be defined as "an imbalance of energy (of the body) caused by the clash of two or more incompatible energies”. This clash then creates energy blockages in the meridians (vital energy pathways), the accumulation of which can give rise to various conditions and pathologies. Energy incompatibilities or imbalances capable of causing various illnesses and discomforts are then systematically considered as synonymous with “allergy” within the framework of this method.

Based on this principle, it also appears that an individual can potentially be allergic to "everything that exists under the sun (including the sun by radiation)", including his own organs and tissues.

Seeking to identify the causes of these reactions, Dr. Nam budripad came up with an essential postulate (verified by the thousands of cases treated) according to which the allergic reaction is in fact dictated by the brain according to its perception of the substance in question. Perceiving the latter as a threat to the body, the brain orders the immune system to mobilize its defenses to fight "the invasion", which results in the allergic reaction, the initial manifestations of which generally aim to " drive out the intruder”.

However, it turns out that this perception is most often erroneous and that the brain betrays us by triggering an inappropriate response. The reason for this lack of perception could relate to cellular alterations and mutations that have taken place over generations and to the difficulty that the human body sometimes has in adapting to a constantly changing environment (chemistry, climate , industrial food, technology, etc.).

For this reason, allergic reactions generally have very little to do with the intrinsic properties of the substances that cause them. This is why substances which are extremely allergenic for certain individuals are completely harmless or even necessary (nutritional elements for example) for others.

From this theory, Dr. Nambudripad discovered that a particular stimulation of the roots of the sympathetic nervous system makes it possible to send a message to the brain which leads this one to reconsider its erroneous perception of this precise substance (equivalent of a " computer reset”). This new message will be permanently imprinted after several other acupressure/acupuncture points have been stimulated and the patient has followed specific rules for some time after the treatment.This “re-programming” constitutes the heart of the NAET treatment itself, which has already made it possible to validate this theory to a large extent for more than fifteen years and with results that are as satisfactory as they are lasting.After the treatment, the incompatibility, repulsion or "clash" of energies has completely disappeared and there will be no trace of allergy, sensitivity or intolerance when the patient comes into contact with the substance again. NAET thus attacks the cause of the allergy and not the resulting symptoms.

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