nevisQ has smart sensors in baseboards


nevisQ hits a nerve of the times

That our society is aging is no secret. It is all the more important that smart solutions focus on the issues old people have – and support those who care about them. nevisQ has recognized that their sensor baseboards have the potential to give old people security and to relieve nursing staff. Intelligent algorithms analyze the sensor data and recognize patterns in it. By automatically turning on the lights for certain operations, falls can be prevented. If it comes to a fall, the caregiver is either informed by the existing call system or by push message on the smartphone

What does nevisQ do for the care of the elderly?

  • Automatic fall detection without the person having to carry anything or trigger an alarm manually

  • Detecting deviations in the personal routine of a resident.

  • Escape alarm in dementia patients

  • Smart health home functionalities, such as the automatic light control

The blue dots represent the position of a person's feet


The principle of smart baseboards

The patented sensor baseboards capture the entire room geometry and can detect both objects and people. The information about detected movements is sent to the nevisQ base station and interpreted there. If the software detects abnormalities, the base station either sends signals to the networked devices (eg the emergency call system) or sends a message to the nurse's smartphone.

Of course, many other applications for the smart baseboards are conceivable. nevisQ is open to other business areas. In the industry, machines could be turned off automatically when entering danger areas, in trucks the sensors enable them, load testing, in retail, baseboards can be used to create heat maps to analyze customer behavior.

It is both a complete solution offered (strips with integrated sensors), as well as a retrofit solution. In this, the sensors, similar to Philips Hue LightStrips, attached to existing strips.

The founding team of nevisQ wins Start-up Challenge "Altenpflege 2017"


Market opportunities for the nevisQ baseboards

The start-up, with its smart baseboards, answers to a real problem that will play a big role, especially in view of demographic change. The jury of the Start-up Challenge "Altenpflege 2017" also saw this and chose the four-member founding team as the winner in the nursing and therapy category.

The smart baseboards are a good alternative to sensor mats placed in front of the bed. The purchase price is similar for both solutions, with the sensor strips covering a much larger control room. Ironically, a sensor mat could even become a trip-trap, with what nevisQ Uncertain solution has another advantage on its side.

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