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- new application to explain MS
new application to explain MS
The Novartis laboratory is making available a new mobile application to explain multiple sclerosis to children: Professor Fizzgobble. Discovery.
To make it easier for children of parents with multiple sclerosis to understand Multiple Sclerosis, the Novartis laboratory, in collaboration with the Nantes University Hospital, is launching an educational and fun mobile application: Professor Fizzgobble.
The purpose of this application is to allow the child to become familiar with the disease and the consequences in the daily life of MS. The application also allows children to express their emotions and find their rightful place among adults, between accountability and guilt.
Novartis and Professor David Laplaud's team at Nantes University Hospital want to offer MS patients a way of talking about the disease that is suitable for the children around them. This application is indeed a mediation tool between the affected parent and their child, thanks to which they can exchange and find a place of communication.
The hero of this application is Professor Fizzgobble, wacky scientist, who embarks users, from 6 years, to discover the human body to explain to children the illness experienced by their parents.
" The idea is to offer something more to the patient, who can sometimes be in distress towards his children, explains Professor David Laplaud, who initiated the project with his neurology team from the Nantes University Hospital. With this application, there will be a communication tool, a mediation tool. "
The adventure takes place in three different universes: the first two allow you to explore the different aspects of Sep and the last offers the child the opportunity to express their emotions related to the disease. Anger, love, sadness, fear, joy: the various intuitive entertainment grouped in this application allow the child, who has become Professor Fizzgobble's assistant, to put words on his emotions and to express them better.
Source: Novartis
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