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  • New degree program: Digital Biomedical & Health Sciences at the University of Siegen

New degree program: Digital Biomedical & Health Sciences at the University of Siegen


The winter semester at the University of Siegen marks the start of the new and unique medical-related course in Digital Biomedical and Health Sciences in Germany.

The Siegen study program for healthcare professions of the future is unique in Germany and conveys a broad knowledge in the fields of medicine, natural sciences, computer science as well as social and health sciences. The is divided Bachelor's degree in Digital Biomedical & Health Sciences at the Faculty of Life Sciences (LWF) at the University of Siegen in three areas:

In the scientific focus Biomedical Technology The students deal with biomedicine, gene, enzyme and cell culture technology, bioanalytics and biotechnology, among other things. The students of the health sociology focus Digital public health focus on development policy, health promotion and prevention, health policy, the aging society, the digital health system and health inequalities. In the engineering focus Digital Medical Technology students learn development skills, medical image processing, software development, programming, clinical IT, security in medical applications and mathematics.

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Digitization, medicine and IT in one course

The special thing about it: from the very beginning, students from all three areas of study have common study content, for example medical topics, statistics and IT. Some seminars will take place at the four cooperating Siegen clinics. The students will also benefit from the cooperation with the University of Bonn and the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam. The goal: The students should gain the broadest possible insight into the health system from different perspectives and be able to specialize at the same time.

The special and hitherto unique Siegen approach with a clear focus on digitalization was decisive for many of the new Bachelor students in their choice of degree. In special seminars with renowned personalities, particularly committed and motivated students have the opportunity to get to know topics that they otherwise rarely find at universities. Seminars on Neanderthal DNA, criminal biology, shaman medicine and the topic of “borderline experiences” are planned. Guests will include criminal biologist Dr. Mark Benecke and his team, as well as well-known personalities from the extreme sports area.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Digital Biomedical & Health Sciences

This innovative and unique course of study for health care professions in Germany conveys a broad knowledge in the fields of medicine, natural sciences, computer science as well as social and health sciences. It aims at a new job profile in the field of health professions, in which academic specialists are trained in an interdisciplinary manner with a focus on the challenges and opportunities of digitization. The course enables students to focus on the natural, engineering or social sciences and thus offers a wide range of medical-related training opportunities. Prospective students should be communicative and open, and want to learn and work in an interdisciplinary manner. About 60 percent of the course content is the same regardless of the chosen focus and promotes central knowledge and skills in the health system. As the course of study continues, the shared teaching content decreases and the specialization towards the selected focus increases.

The specialization in the field Digital Medical Technology provides students with basic knowledge in the areas of mathematics, computer science and IT systems in the first semesters. In the subsequent years of study, competencies in medical technology, digital medical image processing, hospital information systems and telematic approaches in the context of modern forms of care are promoted. Internships in clinics and in clinic IT provide an insight into the practice of various professional fields at the interface between technology and medicine.

The specialization in the field Biomedical Technology imparts basic scientific knowledge and qualifications in the field of biomedicine. The strongly application-related content of the biomedical fields represented in the course are combined in a unique way with the acquisition of skills in medical informatics and digital image processing. The students are enabled to develop and apply modern biomedical technologies, particularly in the fields of genetic engineering, enzyme technology, cell culture technology, bioanalytics and biotechnology.

The focus of the learning material Digital public health deals with the areas of epidemiology, methods and statistics, health inequality, development policy, health care and nursing, work and health, health promotion and prevention, international health policy and elective areas from the area of ​​public health, such as: B. Public Health and Development Policy.

  • Graduation: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

  • Standard period of study | Credits: 6 semesters | 180 ECTS

  • Requirements: restricted admission (application required); at least (subject) university entrance qualification or similar

  • Language: German

  • Organization: full-time

  • Focus: Digital Medical Technology, Biomedical Technology or Digital Public Health

  • Tuition fee per semester: semester fee

  • Next application deadline: 15th of July

  • Enrollment: only for the winter semester

Master of Science (M.Sc.) Digital Medical Technology, Biomedical Technology or Digital Public Health

The master’s program of the Faculty of Life Sciences Siegen offers the opportunity to deepen already acquired specialist knowledge and to expand interdisciplinary skills for the respective specialization. The 4-semester master's degree programs, like bachelor's degree programs, have a modular structure; course and examination achievements are expressed in credit points according to the ECTS system. The degree is concluded with a master's thesis.

Digital Medical Technology: The course imparts in-depth research and development expertise in the area of ​​IT or technological solutions for innovative digitally supported services in medicine and the health system. There is close cooperation with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The aim of this course of study is to impart solid specialist knowledge about digital innovation opportunities in modern medicine.

Biomedical Technology: This master's program imparts knowledge in the field of applied, biomedical research and thereby supports the Siegen project "Rethinking Medicine". The aim of this master's program is to build up solid specialist knowledge of the molecular causes of diseases in order to research them using the molecular and cell biological methods learned in the course as well as bioinformatics and digital imaging, microscopic methods. Based on this, research and development skills in the field of biotechnology are imparted in order to demonstrate new approaches for the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of diseases and to be able to implement them technically.

Digital public health: Public health is an independent, strongly interdisciplinary, empirical science. The health of the population is paramount. Research and teaching are geared towards the conditions for health and illness and the possibilities of coping with illness, strengthening health skills and promoting health. Digital solutions are also particularly important during your studies.

  • Graduation: Master of Science (M.Sc.)

  • Standard period of study | Credits: 4 semesters | n / A

  • Requirements: at least bachelor's degree or similar

  • Language: German

  • Organization: full-time

  • Tuition fee per semester: semester fee

  • Next application deadline: n / A

  • Enrollment: for the first time from WS 2020/2021

Brilliant job prospects

Bachelor graduates with a focus Digital Medical Technology develop digital, technical, scientific and structural innovations that efficiently and appropriately support treatment between doctor and patient. You can work in various, constantly growing, classic, but also new, exciting professional fields. For example in the manufacture of medical devices, in the establishment of complex administrative systems in the health sector, in companies in research and science, in organizations and institutions in the health system.

Bachelor graduates with a focus Biomedical Technology are qualified for activities in the field of biomedical research and development. There is great demand at health home and abroad for biotechnologists with a biomedical / bioinformatic background. This results in a wide range of career prospects at different research institutes and research-related institutions. Possible occupational fields are in the biomedical and pharmaceutical industry, industrial biotechnology, the food industry, laboratory diagnostics, hospitals, authorities.

Bachelor graduates with a focus Digital public health develop digital, technical, scientific and structural innovations that support treatment from person to person in an efficient and needs-based manner. You can work in various, constantly growing, classic, but also new, exciting professional fields. For example for authorities, organizations and companies in the health system, in health-relevant fields of activity in the media, politics and companies, for international organizations such as the World Health Organization / WHO or the Society for International Cooperation / GIZ.

University city of Siegen

With two universities (one state and one private) and a student share of around 20 percent, Siegen is a real university city. The Lower Castle has been the university's old town campus since 2014. Thanks to the many medium-sized companies that are strongly export-oriented, Siegen holds a top position in North Rhine-Westphalia. The city's largest employer is the University of Siegen with around 2,000 employees. Business, university and city are very well networked. In this way, the next generation is supported by various institutions and the graduates have good chances of finding a job in and around Siegen.

Numerous housing complexes managed by the Studentenwerk in the immediate vicinity of the university offer students affordable living space including all additional costs and fully furnished, The semester fee includes a semester ticket or an NRW ticket for free use of public transport.

Siegen also convinces with a distinctive leisure and night life: here are many bars, pubs and discos, a cinema and a theater, optimal shopping as well various cultural offers. Around 200 events take place in the Kulturhaus Lyz each season. In summer, students like to meet in the castle park or on Haardter Berg for barbecues or picnics. Countless sports opportunities in the mountain bike and hiking areas, on the cross-country trails in winter or in summer by the lake make student life perfect.

Photo: © pexels.com
