Nike + adds Garmin and TomTom support


In an official press release, the American equipment supplier Nike announced four new partners for its Nike + software. Users of activity sensors and GPS watches from Garmin, TomTom, Wahoo Fitness and Netpulse will now also be able to view their performance on the Nike + Running app, both on iOS and Android. Synchronization will be effective from Monday March 9, 2015.

Nike focuses on software

Nike announced in mid 2014 that it was completely stopping the hardware race, leaving aside its famous Fuelband in favor of a strategy focused solely on software. It is therefore with its application that it intends to seduce third-party manufacturers to grow its community. To take just one example, the Nike + Running app is integrated natively on the latest Samsung Gear S. It should also be among the preferred on the Apple Watch, which will be presented on Monday evening.

Bitter competition in applications

Like Nike, Jawbone has also chosen to open its famous UP system to manufacturers of smart health connected objects. Rather than focusing on the hardware (note: we are still waiting for the UP3…), the American start-up is diversifying into software. First notorious partnership, its association with Huawei for the new Chinese smart health connected watch. It should also be noted that TomTom GPS sensors and watches are already compatible with the Jawbone application, but also RunKeeper, MapMyFitness, Strava or Endomondo. In short, you will understand, you have to know how to diversify in order to reign better.

Between Under Armor which spent $ 475M to buy MyFitnessPal or Fitbit which announced last week having bought the Fitstar application, the software seems to be the next battleground of the giants of Quantified Self …

Nike + Running App

Source: Nike

