
Rhinoplasty without surgery

Are you dissatisfied with your nose? For example, because you have a bump on the nose or a dent in the nose? Or because your nose is a bit crooked? And would you like to have something done about this, but are you afraid of an operation? Until recently, you were dependent on an operation (rhinoplasty). The good news is that fortunately you no longer have to go under the knife in all cases, and that you can also have your nose corrected without surgery. Fillers with hyaluronic acid or Botox ® injections are an excellent alternative for minor corrections to the nose. For example, we can ‘remove’ a bump on the nose by treating the area around it with fillers so that it is equally high everywhere and the bump is no longer visible.

Types of Rhinoplasty

A hooked nose is also one of the (minor) corrections that can be treated without surgery. We will fill the nose with fillers, so that the shape of the nose changes. And if you have a crooked nose, we can also treat the bridge of the nose with fillers. By improving the contours, your nose appears less crooked. Do you suffer from a drooping or sagging nose? Even then, you can be treated without surgery: by a Botox injection into the muscle under the nose.

How does a rhinoplasty without surgery work?

During the treatment we use a very fine needle to inject the fillers. Thanks to anesthetic of the area to be treated, you will not feel anything or hardly anything. The treatment takes about an hour. After the treatment you can go home immediately to resume your daily activities. And you do not suffer from down time as with an operation. However, there may be a slight swelling or bruising after the treatment. But this disappeared after a few days.

With injectables you can perform a rhinoplasty relatively easily without surgery


Have you become curious about the above story and do you want to know whether you are also eligible for a rhinoplasty without surgery? Please contact us at The first consultation is always without obligation and free of charge.


Dr Shai Rambaran

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