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  • Official launch of Future4care to accelerate digital health

Official launch of Future4care to accelerate digital health


Announced at the beginning of the year, the company Future4care created by Sanofi, Capgemini, Generali and Orange was born. Discovery of this new accelerator of innovation in health.

In a previous post in January, we presented this alliance project between Sanofi, Capgemini, Generali and Orange to make France a leader in e-health. This alliance is now effective under the name of Future4care.

Future4care is a startup accelerator whose ambition is the rapid development of e-health solutions and their availability on the market, for the benefit of everyone, especially patients and healthcare professionals. It is an open-innovation ecosystem, the objective of which is to accelerate the development of startups, but also to create an Instituteoffering content related to digital health and delivering a reference label. This Institute is a real knowledge center, which will also offer conference programs, keep a constant watch on new technologies and uses, and put Community members in touch with external experts.

For the selection of start-ups that will be supported, two approaches are proposed: on file, by responding to calls for projects, or as part of a spontaneous application. The first call for projects will be launched next September around two themes: remote patient care thanks to new technologies and personalized medicine (from diagnosis to treatment).

The selected startups will benefit from personalized support around a thematic Labs course:

  • Creative Lab;

  • Medical / Regulatory Lab;

  • Business & Ethics Lab;

  • Data & IA Lab;

  • Living Lab.

For optimal support, startups and Future4care partners will have access to a space of nearly 6,400 m2, located in the heart of Paris, which will open in December 2021. This place will combine work, meeting, reception and meeting spaces. networking will federate a sector of global influence, open to national and international partnerships. The objective for this place called BioPark of Future4care is to become the main European hub in digital health.

Ultimately, the Future4care accelerator aims to bring together a vast ecosystem of diversified players, comprising:

  • the four founding members;

  • about fifteen partner companies;

  • a hundred French and European startups;

  • health, technology and insurance players;

  • actors from public and private hospitals;

  • patient associations;

  • regulators;

  • as well as schools and universities.

New technologies and data have become essential for innovation in health. France and Europe more broadly have the necessary assets to bring about the e-health solutions of tomorrow. We are convinced that combining the capacities of large companies with the agility of start-ups will allow the emergence of digital solutions that will bring value to patients and to the health ecosystem as a whole. »Declares Philippe Peyre, President of Future4care.

Source: Future4care

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