OnePlus 7T Pro: the complete Review


At the beginning of the year, the OnePlus 7 was a victim of the superiority of the OnePlus 7 Pro. It was difficult for him to shine against a smartphone as sophisticated and despite a considerable price difference.

A few months later, the roles were reversed. The company has recently presented an excellent OnePlus 7T very well equipped and rich in new products (sold 599 euros) and accompanied by a OnePlus 7T Pro without much change (the high price of 759 euros). A question arises: Who is the OnePlus 7T Pro for? We tested the new premium OnePlus smartphone for over a week.

Design: always more dazzling

It's hard not to appreciate the appearance of the OnePlus 7T Pro. Once again, the Chinese brand shows its good taste in design. The curved screen of the smartphone marries its borders to perfection and provides an immersive quality experience. We really love this device. It remains important to specify that its screen still measures 6.67 inches (it is definition Quad HD +), which will not suit everyone. It is preferable to have large hands.

In order to offer a seamless screen edge (this is one of the main points of difference with the classic 7T), OnePlus uses a new camera pop-up. When taking a selfie or initiating the facial recognition procedure, the front camera automatically appears at the top of the camera. This confers a futuristic side to the smartphone and should delight people who never take a selfie. This has the negative consequence of increased vulnerability to water.

On the back, the matte glass used by OnePlus is still resplendent. The model we tested shows a blues gradient (from the sky to the ocean) and has seduced everyone we've shown it to.

Finally, we repeat it with each Review of smartphone OnePlus, the mechanical switch on the side of the device is always so practical. It allows you to quickly switch between ringing, vibrating or silent mode without having to turn on the screen of your smartphone, which is really very useful. Only OnePlus and Apple offer one today and we can only deplore the fact that no other manufacturer copies them.

Screen: the 7T Pro does less well than the 7T

If we had to prove that OnePlus was not interested enough in this "Pro" model, we would definitely point to the smartphone screen. Refresh our memory, the OnePlus 7T has a Samsung "Dynamic AMOLED" screen. The latter allows him to enjoy excellent brightness (733 cd / m)² according to our laboratory) while reducing eyestrain (thanks to an anti-blue light filter). Paradoxically, the OnePlus 7T Pro is not entitled to this novelty. It retains a slab identical to that of the OnePlus 7 Pro (Super AMOLED), lower in terms of technology than the model sold cheaper. Too bad.

According to our measurements, the OnePlus 7T Pro however offers a good display quality. Its average maximum brightness is 621 cd / m²which is more than enough in most bright environments. This does not allow the manufacturer to break a record. On the other hand, the colors displayed by its screen are of a remarkable accuracy. Our measurements confirm this, its Delta E is 1.35 when the display is set to "natural" (know that the lower the value, the better). Remember not to opt for the display mode used by default which offers a Delta E of 2.88 (which is not appalling, rest assured).

Finally, let's mention the 90 Hz refresh rate of the OnePlus 7T Pro. Its screen thus displays more frames per second than most other smartphones (generally calibrated at 60 Hz), which improves the fluidity of navigation when you scroll through a content stream for example. It must be acknowledged that it is pleasant.

A slight performance gain

This is probably the biggest novelty of the OnePlus 7T Pro compared to the OnePlus 7 Pro: it includes the Snapdragon 855+ processor and no longer the Snapdragon 855. Designed for video games, the 855+ provides slightly better performance without however revolutionize the genre. It is, unsurprisingly, possible to do everything with a OnePlus 7T Pro without any slowdown. Extremely energy-hungry video game with the export of photos via the use of several applications simultaneously (it has 8 GB of RAM). This smartphone is a beast of race.

Note, however, that we have experienced some very strange bugs on our Review unit. Working with Oxygen OS 10.0.3, our OnePlus 7T Pro has, on three occasions, completely stopped working. His screen was no longer responding to tactile solicitations and we had no choice but to restart it by pressing all buttons simultaneously. We imagine that this bug is only software and that OnePlus will fix it but we still prefer to report it to you.

Let's quickly mention the extreme efficiency of the OnePlus Oxygen OS overlay (we developed this point in more detail in our OnePlus 7T Review). Derived from Android 10, the latter provides an extremely fluid experience while offering many options in the settings. Even today, OnePlus offers the best software experience in our opinion.

256 GB rather than 128 GB

The OnePlus 7 Pro was marketed from 709 euros. The OnePlus 7T Pro is from 759 euros. How to explain such a difference ? OnePlus has simply decided to abandon the 128GB model with this generation. This price increase is not really one. If 128 GB is enough for you, the classic 7T offers this capacity.

Autonomy: mention quite well

85 mAh, that's what separates the OnePlus 7T Pro from its predecessor. This is of course a tiny difference, certainly not enough to fill the excess consumption of a definition Quad HD + and refresh rate at 90 Hz allies. Our measurements in the laboratory confirm it: the OnePlus 7T Pro is at the bottom of the table of the most enduring smartphones. It only lasted 12:21 to our versatile autonomy Review, 9:34 video streaming and 26:54 in communication. We expect better from a high-end smartphone.

In the "real life", it feels sadly. If a very moderate use of the device should allow you to hold more than one day, heavy use (several hours spent on his phone) makes difficult the end of the day without going through the box recharge. Fortunately for OnePlus, the 7T Pro recharges quickly.

Very fast charging

According to OnePlus, the 7T Pro introduces a new ultra fast charging technology called WarpCharge 30T. The 30W charger of the device is presented as capable of working miracles, which has necessarily attracted us.

If we were to talk about this technology, we would not really use the term ultra fast charging. The name "very fast recharge" would suit him better since we stay away from the 29 minutes of a Realme X2 Pro. It took us 1:10 to get the OnePlus 7T Pro from 0% to 100% battery which is a very good performance. Note that the gap is only 2 minutes with its predecessor and that the T WarpCharge 30T is here only decorative. In 10 minutes smart health connected to its charger, the smartphone recovers 20% of autonomy. It's enough to finish an evening.

The main complaint we would make this 7T Pro is the same as for its predecessor: where is the wireless charging? OnePlus may claim to compete with Apple, Samsung or Huawei with its premium smartphone, the absence of this type of functions, even minor, does not play in his favor. We would have liked that the device is ultra complete and that it can be recharged on a terminal Qi. Let's hope that the future OnePlus 8 Pro finally gets going.

A camera leaded by its slowness

Let's break all suspense now, the OnePlus 7T Pro suffers from the same photographic problems as the classic OnePlus 7T. It is not the quality that we question but the effectiveness of its application Camera. Indeed, there is no high-end smartphone slower than the OnePlus 7T Pro today. Pressing the shutter-release button can sometimes cause 2-3 seconds of latency before the picture is actually captured and the switch from one lens to the other is way too long. The consequence is cruel to OnePlus: many pictures are unclear since they were taken too late. This problem is once again software and OnePlus still does not seem to have found a solution today.

Read also : We visited the photo lab of OnePlus, discover it in pictures

All this is all the more regrettable as the OnePlus 7T Pro is good in pictures. Thanks to its larger aperture lens (f / 1.6, attached to a 48 megapixel Sony IMX586 sensor), the smartphone is doing really well at night. If we ignore the waiting time between the moment when we touch the virtual button and where the photo is recorded, the quality is really very satisfactory. The report is identical day, the dive offered by the photos OnePlus is very good. Too bad that some colors are a little too bright in our opinion.

The other advantage of the OnePlus 7T Pro over the conventional OnePlus 7T is its telephoto lens which allows an optical zoom x3 rather than x2. The latter uses an 8 Mpix sensor and allows to see further. It is very practical even if, unfortunately, the colorimetric calibration of this module is very bad. The photos look much more blue in x3 zoom than with the main lens.

Obviously, the smartphone also has an ultra-wide-angle module, which has become the norm today (although some like Google pretend not to be aware), we are very satisfied with it. There is very little deformation and the dive is rather correct. The objective opening at f / 2.4, it is logically worse at night. Note the arrival of a small fun novelty, the ultra wide-angle can take macro photos, which can be handy for capturing very small objects.

Finally, let's make a quick point on the video. The OnePlus 7T Pro can shoot in ultra wide-angle unlike its predecessor. Optical stabilization is also very satisfactory.
