Our life of patient in 10 years: the 10 commandments


1- Prevention: individuals will be empowered and induced to take care of their health, to prevent diseases through a healthy lifestyle.

Health insurances will encourage their members to earn points and bonuses when they practice a sporting activity and respect the recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.

2- health home visits: doctors can quickly intervene to practice health home care through a system "Uber Health" already prevalent in the United States.

Doctors, nurses, caregivers will be more easily reachable and mobilized thanks to Uber-type platforms to respond in real time to patients' requests. This concept is already widespread in the United States.

3- Telemedicine: the patient will receive the virtual visit of his doctor even if he is located at a distance from him.

Virtual visitor's cabins will be set up in dedicated locations, including in companies for the benefit of their employees, to receive the consultation of their doctor at a distance, resulting in the issuance of orders sent directly to our pharmacy. The management of the patient by telemedicine has been validated by the CNAM.

4- Medical diagnosis: the patient will benefit from a personalized diagnosis, totally personalized.

It will be thanks to the progress (technical and secure) of the sharing of health data and the intervention of a large number of health actors including new professions, new functions at the heart of the chain of care.

5- Role of the patient: The patient will become an actor of his health.

It will be a real interlocutor on which professionals will count for ever more efficiency in therapeutic strategies.

6- Treatments: they will be adapted individually to the patient.

The patient's refined health data (analyzes of variables and constants of his organism, socio-medical data, care pathways, etc …) will provide the guarantee of care and care protocols closer to his needs. .

7- The follow-up of the patient: It will be the fruit of a precise and predictive strategy as soon as the development of the protocols of care.

The data of health (the DATA) will make it possible to know at best the individual, his behavior, his habits of life, his difficulties, so as to propose to him the best possible follow-up of his treatment and evolution of his disease.

8- Community: the grouping of patients by communities will be facilitated and deployed.

This is particularly thanks to digital technology, to break the isolation linked to the disease, and to stimulate virtuous and constructive exchanges between patients.

9- Democratization of health: patients can become Patients-Experts.

That is to say, patients recognized as true connoisseurs of their disease and who will acquire this new status by passing an official diploma of "patient-expert". They will then be empowered to intervene with health professionals in the health and care system that concerns them.

10- BIG DATA: The health data will be multiplied by 5 by 2050.

We dread it and at the same time BIG DATA embodies a tremendous evolution of medical knowledge and an essential lever for effective treatments. Securing these huge volumes of health data is a major public health issue and mobilizes legal bodies. Most of the data is collected and transmitted via the internet, medical devices and smart health connected objects. In 2018, 7 million French people used the internet for health concerns; and we were already 20 million people to be followed by physiological sensors (number of steps, heartbeat, calorie expenditure, etc …) in 2014! And with regard to patients, 5 million patients worldwide are equipped with smart health connected medical monitoring devices.Finally, advances in medical technologies, such as imaging, for example, will only be operational with the use of "patient data". 16,000 hospitals already collect this data.

In conclusion, let's note that this smart health connected medicine of tomorrow is called "Medicine of 4 P":

  • preventive

  • participatory

  • predictive

  • Custom.

… And let's add this 5th P, as Olivier Fox, President of the Inter Pharmaceutical Club (CIP) specifies: "Let's not forget the relevance of the Health Professional in e-health: it remains an essential link! ".

Because, fortunately for us, the Human is not about to leave his place to the machines in the management of our health …
