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Patients and professionals, the smart health connected health controversy


The presentation of the Mobile Health Trophies, organized yesterday by the DMD Health, was the scene of a colorful conference, and of a fascinating debate on the innovations and the revolutionary changes they bring. To relive the key moments of this debate, you are on the right page!

patients and professionals: the connected health controversy

The conference which took place yesterday at the Cité des Sciences, entitled “Patients and professionals: the controversy of smart health connected health”, answered a few questions posed previously in our articles on ABSMARTHEALTH.com, in particular on the question of medical data security. Not so much concern as it ultimately for the doctor Amina Yamgnane, gynecologist. Some professionals see the rise of e-health, a popularization of medicine. If everyone understands health information and can make their own diagnoses, then should we expect the death of the profession? Applications allow patients to get to know their illness better, to live better with them, and can scare professionals. However, since always, since the birth of Vidal, patients have always been interested in their health. For Dr. Yamgnane, it cannot be popularization of medicine since it will remain essentially complex, but access to each allows one to attribute it.

" Just as the printing press has released knowledge from the control of a religious elite class, new technology in medical algorithms is poised to democratize medicine. In this new era, patients will be able to control their own data and emancipate themselves from a paternalistic medical regime in which “the doctor always knows things best.” (Xavier Comtesse, according to the American bestseller Eric Topol, " The patient will receive you now")

How many times have we heard our treating physician say, “don't go on the Internet”, to learn about our ailments independently. If it turns out that the internet is a source of anxiety when it comes to symptoms of illness, there are also good sources.. Among the mass of more or less eccentric information, there are obviously sites that stand out! For example, Médisite.com, mondocteur.com… Why deprive yourself of the mine of information offered by one click by these platforms. You should know that a patient with a chronic pathology passes 8700 hours to manage his illness away from a doctor. According to Dr. Yamgnane, doctors have to work more in front of a well-informed patient, and worry about their loss of power. However, a patient who is well informed about his illness is a patient who is better because he has better adherence to treatment.

"The caregivers' nightmare is the patient professor of medicine when he finds himself on the exam table! However, the more the patient becomes an actor of his health, the more he is able to “govern” it, according to Dr. Yamgnane, gynecologist.

Pharmacists Review smart health connected devices to track their customers

Lucien Bennatan, pharmacist, is entirely in favor of smart health connected health. he He is himself testing with his clientele, a device which allows him to know if his patient is taking his treatment, if he has a problem, but also asks himself the questions of data.

" It is possible today, but few patients are aware, as with organ donation, to say whether we agree to share our health data or not, "said Lucien Bennatan.

Indeed, a text of law published on January 26, 2016 mentions it: " Any person who hosts personal health data collected during prevention, diagnostic or care activities on behalf of natural or legal persons responsible for the production or collection of said data or for account of the patient himself, must be approved for this purpose. This accommodation, regardless of the medium, paper or electronic, is carried out after the person concerned has been duly informed and unless objected to on legitimate grounds. "(4 Art. L. 1110-12. ).

connected health controversy

smart health connected health, helping carers?

According to Gilles Litman, Director of Strategy, Development, Innovation & Business Excellence at Sanofi France, 53% of smartphone users would like advice on mobile apps from their doctor. Why medical students are then not trained in new technologies ? Well, simply because the teachers themselves are untrained. To teach is to transmit knowledge, you cannot transmit what you do not know. We must therefore completely reform medicine, at its root, and train teachers. The whole medical profession must to reinvent oneself, teachers, doctors, pharmacists … The code of ethics has not changed since 1945, it might need a little makeover to adapt to the times.

"To evolve, you have to move forward in a single block: a co-construction of the entire medical system. "Explains Dr. Yamgnane.

On the endless question of data management, opinions are always divided and patients wonder about the marketing of their personal information. However, we are reassured, data sharing is by no means new and has never worried anyone. This sharing exists on paper: what has changed is the “brewable” amount of this data, which has given the problem another dimension. If they are intended to improve health and quality of life, yes; but the fear of being used for commercial purposes is legitimate. The main enemy would be insurance companies. Scattered data has no real interest, it’s mass data that has value. In the United States, in fact, an insurance company obtained data from a man living with HIV and was refused everything by insurers. In France, according to Dr. Yamgnane, we don't have to worry about such facts … for the moment.

connected health, the controversy

If we are already the passengers of the first e-health wagons, smart health connected objects are still too gadgets. Gadgets we get tired of, apps that we delete after a few uses to free up space in the memory of our smartphones. The applications of the future and which are likely to be perennial, will be the applications which will “interface” the patient and his doctor. Human warmth, a reassuring hand and an attentive ear, a comfortable and safe place capable of putting a person in confidence will never be found in smart health connected objects.

“You have to understand how the world has switched to another universe as it was the case with Gutenberg's printing press” (Xavier Comtesse)
