Pebble watches will finally be able to speak French


Pebble has just updated its mobile application, and will soon do the same with the firmware of its watches. The manufacturer promises an improved user experience.

With competition becoming very strong, Pebble has every interest in ensuring software side. Today, the firm has just published a statement on his blog, about his application. On the Android app, two steps will occur. The first is a complete redesign of the application (2.1.0), so that she is "More reliable and gives a better user experience". New things are suddenly allowed with your Pebble, and you'll have access to notifications from all apps. The application also handles duplicate notifications automatically, such as emails, or calendar. Finally, it will also be possible to terminate phone calls directly from the watch, which was not possible before.

The second step is the deployment of the firmware 2.8 on watches, which brings with it the support of 80 new languages. Pebble watches speak so finally the language of Molière. To update the firmware, simply open the application on your smartphone and manually update everything if it was not done automatically. For the moment, it is only possible to have access to the update via the beta program, but the firm promises to deploy everything in the coming weeks.

