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  • Pharmagest puts on its "digital bridge of health" to connect city, hospital and health home

Pharmagest puts on its "digital bridge of health" to connect city, hospital and health home


This gateway was presented for the first time at the end of September to the Public Assistance-Marseille Hospital (AP-HM).

It was developed on Pharmagest's own funds, for an estimated cost "between 4 and 5 million euros" by Thierry Chapusot.

It allows to connect, with the agreement of the patient and the doctor, information on the person in charge included in the various software of the company and in the tools of the publisher Cegedim, used by the city doctors, with whom a partnership was signed at the end of 2018.

As a reminder, Pharmagest has been present in nursing homes for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) since the acquisition of Malta informatique in 2009, in health home hospitalization (HAD) and health home care nursing services (Ssiad) since the acquisition of Dicsit in 2016, and the hospital with Axigate Computerized Patient Record (IPR), acquired in 2017.

The chairman of the board of directors claimed 40% of market share on the computerization of HAD, 30% on the Ehpad and Ssiad, and 44% on pharmacies with its historical software, in addition to a "fifty 'big' hospitals' equipped with Axigate.

"This has allowed us to become a major force in health software, and reach a critical size to launch the bridge," he said.

At the AP-HM, the tool allows for example the emergency doctors to consult, via the DPI Axigate, the prescriptions of the patient in progress, whereas they sometimes needed "a phenomenal time" to recover this information, has -it belongs.

Other services have been developed, such as the automatic transmission of the hospital discharge letter from the hospital information system (SIH) to the Cegedim software of the attending physician, but also the sending of the imaging report, the Ehpad emergency link file.

The transmission of the patient's discharge order to his pharmacist or the creation of "connection with the care team" features such as pre-admission online should follow.

In the Bouches-du-Rhone, Pharmagest and Cegedim are present in 5 HAD structures, 13 Ssiad, 203 pharmacies, 80 Ehpad and 750 town offices. The gateway ensures the transmission of information on "approximately 300,000 patients", said Thierry Chapusot.

The service is based on a new business model of selling competing publishers a "connector" to the gateway, allowing them to connect their own software. "We already have verbal agreements from some," said Pharmagest's chairman of the board, highlighting the "competitive advantage" of the tool.

The company is also pursuing its external growth strategy. On October 8th, it announced the acquisition of 70% of the ICT group, publisher and host for Multiprofessional Healthcare Houses (MSP) by its subsidiary Malta Informatique, for an undisclosed amount.

This allows it to also put a foot in the territorial occupational health communities (CPTS), while the strategy "My health 2022" carried by the government aims to create a thousand of them within three years.

Pharmagest also maintains its European ambitions, with the aim of equipping 20% ​​of the Italian market of pharmacies by 2023. Having established itself on the other side of the Alps last year with the majority acquisition of Macrosoft, In early October, it announced the purchase of another Italian competitor, Svemu, equipping 800 pharmacies in Italy.

Thierry Chapusot explained "continue to study" repurchase operations, specifying "to look at files abroad". He recalled that his company has more than 100 million euros in cash and remains "little indebted".

Deployment of telemedicine in pharmacy

The growth of telemedicine is also seen by Pharmagest as a growth driver, particularly since the publication in September of the amendment to the pharmaceutical agreement allowing pharmacists to accompany patients during a teleconsultation.

The company currently equips "more than 140 pharmacies" and "200 Ehpad" of its teleconsultation module. "We must bring the tool to pharmacists, but also connect to doctors around," observed Thierry Chapusot, explaining ensure a joint commercial prospection in the framework of the partnership with Cegedim.

"There are already pharmacies that do 7 to 8 teleconsultations a week," he said.

He welcomed the "strong start" that the e-health division of Pharmagest made in the first half of 2019, reaching a turnover of 7.85 million euros, up 29.2% over last year and now accounts for more than 10% of the group's overall activity.

It brings together its different platforms and mobile applications for patient follow-up or compliance support, such as the eNephro chronic renal insufficiency monitoring tool, or its NoviaCare and CareLib "box" for health home and nursing homes.
