Physical activity is not always good for the heart

If it is universally recognized that physical activity is, in general, good for cardiovascular health, there would be exceptions. A new study highlights a statistical link between strenuous and repeated physical activities at work and the stiffness of the arteries.

Physical activity is the best prevention against the cardiovascular illnesses. But if you bet on strenuous physical activities that you have to do at work take care of your heart, bad news, you would do the opposite. Indeed, the concept of activity physical is eminently vast. We often repeat that it is good for health. However, within the plurality of activities carried out, not all of them seem to have the same effects on health.

Tedious activities, harmful to our arteries

It is Parisian researchers from the National Institute for Medical Research (Inserm) who conducted this study published in the journal Hypertension in collaboration with the Australian Heart and diabetes. To assess the hypothesis that strenuous activities at work may be associated with deleterious effects, scientists had access to data from a large study of cohort : the prospective Parisian survey III.

For ten years, experimenters have collected data from 100,000 volunteers, aged 50 to 70, on their physical activity: frequency, the duration, intensity and above all the context. This large study also contains information regarding the condition carotid arteries of participants, measured using state-of-the-art technology material : echo-tracking.

Result: participants who testify to strenuous physical activity at work (such as carrying heavy loads repeatedly) arteries stiffer and more prone to carotids rhythm disorders unlike those who do more classic sport (for example, running) or leisure sport (for example, gardening). However, it should be noted that this is an observational study: it is not intended to issue causal relationships but helps lay the groundwork for what to look for in subsequent randomized controlled trials.

How to explain these results?

"Regarding physical activity at work, there are important public health implications, concludes Jean-Philippe Empana, lead author of the study. We would now like to go further in our analysis of the interactions between physical activity and the health status of people at work ”. Because, uthe question remains open: how to explain these results, if a possible causal relationship exists? What is disturbing is that we know for example that bodybuilding is associated with better cardiovascular health.

It is therefore not the load port in itself which seems harmful. On the other hand, bad movements when carrying the load, the exacerbated repetition, etc. are all fairly likely assumptions to try to clarify this correlation. Finally, avoid carrying too heavy loads at work (if necessary, try to discuss them with your superiors) and prefer the actual practice of a sport or a leisure physical activity.

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