Pine nut health benefits nutrition facts

pine nut health benefits health benefits nutrition facts Chinese food recipes;What to eat to keep healthy naturally.Healthy fruit

The pine nut is part of our diet for millennia. This small almond is grown on the shores of the Mediterranean, she appreciates the warmth and mild climate. The generous and tasty flavor of pine nut blends easily and pleasantly scented all types of preparations, from appetizers to dessert. Its richness in vitamins, trace elements and nutrients actually a concentrated energy to sprinkle in your recipes.

A pine nut weighs less than 5 g. Measuring between 5 and 7 mm, it hides in the fruit of pinion pine, forming a small white almond, crisp and sweet.

Rich in fatty acids, pine nut is a very calorie fruit, but also bursting with vitamins and minerals. Consume sparingly, to enjoy its virtues.

Raw or simply fried, the pine nut brings flavor, crunchy and soft recipes. Crushed, scattered, mixed, pounded it falls nicely salads, seafood and gourmet desserts.


Pine Pinions fear the passage of time. Just make sure they are not soft to the touch: it is a sign that fruits are rancid.


Better buy your pine nuts in small amounts.

Rich in fatty acids, they indeed have a tendency to go rancid very quickly.

Keep your nuts in a cool dry place, so they retain their crisp. Once the bag is opened, store in an airtight container.


The pinion lends itself very well to a light cooking, which multiplies its crispness and flavor.

Fried a few pine nuts in a frying pan until they begin to take a very light color, or a few minutes in a hot oven. Stir frequently to prevent burning.

Pine nut health benefits nutrition facts 

Calories (kcal per 100 g) 686

Proteins (g per 100 g) 13.7

Carbohydrate (g per 100 g) 5.58

Lipids (g per 100 g) 65.4


Vitamin B9 (micrograms ) 80.2

Vitamin C (mg per 100 g) <0.5


Potassium (mg ) 662

Phosphorus (mg ) 527

Trace elements

Iodine (micrograms ) 11.2

Zinc (mg per 100 g) 5.6

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Pine nut health benefits: