PIQ aims to get into 24 sports


PIQ is a French company that has developed a small sensor particularly able to measure rocker movements. Already a partner of prestigious equipment manufacturers such as Babolat (tennis), Rossignol (ski) or Mobitee (golf), he plans to announce 5 more this year, and 24 in total over the coming years.

PIQ has a fairly interesting sport approach to sport, and what's more, it's really fun. French has developed a sensor able to "connect" different sports accessories, just as he already does for skiing with Rossignol, or golf with the American Mobitee. The sensor in question is flexible since it can be bought independently and placed in each sports equipment to connect them. PIQ is therefore actively seeking brands to expand its offer and open up to a maximum of sports.

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL7kcFxYN2k (/ embed)

On their CES stand, the French told us of their great ambitions for the years to come. The first signed partnerships are already conclusive, so they plan to enroll more brands to create a multi-sport accessory and used by as many people as possible. For the year 2016, it already plans to open up to 5 new sports, to reach a total of 24 in a few years. Without knowing exactly in what order they will be announced, it seems that the brand has projects in swimming, ice hockey, football or rugby. The American Zepp, which has developed a similar technology, is also present at the CES, but has not yet signed a recognized partner.

The PIQ sensor

