Pomelo health benefits nutrition facts

pomelo health benefits benefits nutrition facts Chinese food recipes;What to eat to keep healthy naturally.Healthy fruit

Discovered there almost 200 years, the pomelo is the only citrus fruit not to be from China. With its juicy and delicious texture, he quickly conquered the United States and Europe. Cultivated in hot climates, the pomelo is still harvested the traditional way, by hand. This whole winter and spring, this citrus fruit energizes daily thanks to its wealth of vitamins and minerals, and its generous flavor.

A grapefruit weighs 400g on average. His yellow skin, sometimes mottled pink or red, hides a flesh ranging from blond to deep red, through the soft pink. His sip juice pulp is more or less sweet or sour depending on the variety.

Grapefruit and grapefruit are often confused, yet it are two different species! While grapefruit comes from Southeast Asia, the pomelo is native to the Caribbean. His skin is thinner and more juicy than its distant cousin.

Very light, grapefruit is packed with vitamin C. Easy to consume, or pressed with a spoon, it fits easily into your daily diet. So, you get to play and tone it brings!

Delicious plain, the pomelo is also tasty in all your dishes. He notes wonderfully meat and fish, filled with energy salads of raw vegetables and vitamin your gourmet desserts.

There are multiple varieties of pomelos. Some are grown in the south of France and Corsica, enjoying the warmth of the climate to thrive.

To choose a good pomelo, trust her weight and appearance. His selection will also depend on your taste expectations, that will make you prefer one variety to another. This citrus fruit keeps well, until it has begun.


This beautiful sweet citrus and gourmand what pomelo demands a little attention to choose the more juicy as possible:

Choose fruit with smooth skin, firm and bright;

Weigh it; grapefruit should be heavy, guaranteeing a good density of its pulp.

And, depending on your taste preferences, opt for a pink or red grapefruit to the sweet pulp or yellow grapefruit, more tangy.


Grapefruit keeps well for ten days in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator or eight days in the air.

Once opened, consume the product immediately, otherwise the pulp dries and vitamins disappear, oxidized in air.


The flesh of the grapefruit very intolerant cooking. However, you can:

Prepare jam. It takes 20 to 40 minutes in a jam.

Reduce the juice from 5 to 10 minutes and then pour over your white meats, fish and shellfish.

Pomelo health benefits nutrition facts 

Calories (kcal per 100 g)         35.9

Proteins (g per 100 g)                0.8

Carbohydrate (g per 100 g)       6.2

Lipids (g per 100 g)                     0.1


Vitamin C (mg per 100 g)            42.1

Vitamin B9 (micrograms )              17


Potassium (mg per 100 g)            167

Calcium (mg per 100 g)                23.3

Trace elements

Iodine (micrograms per 100 g)     0.46

Beta-carotene (mcg per 100 g)     281

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