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  • PR qui Roule: the first health podcast dedicated to rheumatoid arthritis

PR qui Roule: the first health podcast dedicated to rheumatoid arthritis


The ANDAR association (National Association for the Defense of Rheumatoid Arthritis), with the support of Biotech Galapagos, launched PR Qui Roule, the first health podcast dedicated to rheumatoid arthritis. Discovery.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common of the various forms of chronic inflammatory rheumatism grouped under the name “chronic arthritis”. It causes inflammation in several joints at once, which swell, become painful and are limited in their range of motion. Rheumatoid arthritis most commonly affects the hands, wrists, knees, and small joints of the feet. Because it affects the joints and causes the progressive destruction of cartilage and bones, rheumatoid arthritis has sometimes serious functional, psychological, social and professional repercussions.

Rheumatoid arthritis can occur at any age, but most commonly occurs in people between the ages of 40 and 60. At this age, it is 4 times more common in women than in men. In France, it is estimated that 5,200 new cases of rheumatoid arthritis occur each year and that this disease affects about 0.5% of the population, i.e. moreof 300,000 people.

To raise awareness of the disease and support patients, the ANDAR association (National Association for the Defense of Rheumatoid Arthritis), with the support of Biotech Galapagos, have launched PR Qui Roule, a podcast show that tells about life and its hazards around a disease, rheumatoid arthritis.

Through these 8 episodes, Nathalie, suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, tells gently and without taboos of the moments of her life linked to this chronic disease. 8 episodes for 8 shared experiences and recounted moments of life, to identify, understand and live with it better.

ANDAR has been fighting for almost 40 years for all patients with rheumatoid arthritis. But we needed a project that was a voice. The voice of patients. The voice of rheumatoid arthritis. And who could be better able to be that voice and to speak about it, than a patient suffering from this disease for more than 20 years? Nathalie gives herself up through the different events of her life – in love, married, pregnant, mother for the first time, trying as best she can to maintain an active professional life, which has to face her family, her in-laws – in short everything that makes everyday life, but a different life because with a disabling disease… not disabling as one might think… a disease invisible to others but so present for the sick. And the result is up to our expectations, bewitching, sincere and relevant. »Sonia Tropé, Director of ANDAR.

PR QUI ROULE is therefore the 1st podcast dedicated to rheumatoid arthritis which currently has a season of 8 episodes:

  • Episode 1: The announcement of the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis

  • Episode 2: Work and Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Episode 3: Couple and rheumatoid arthritis

  • Episode 4: Management and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

  • Episode 5: Maternity and rheumatoid arthritis

  • Episode 6: Relatives Facing Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Episode 7: Fatigue and Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Episode 8: Eat well, move, manage, learn … help!

Podcasts to discover on prquiroule.com & available on iTunes, SoundCloud, Deezer and Spotify.

Source: ANDAR

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