Prepare your night during your day

Have you tried everything and still can’t take the sleep slide when the time comes?

Multiple causes of insomnia

After having eliminated a physiological problem, you find yourself helpless in the face of your sleepless nights.A healthy lifestyle is one of the conditions for improvement, but not only.A good night is preparing throughout the day. Why ? The accumulation of stress, and its corollary of negative effects, is generally not evacuated at bedtime. The thoughts become noisy and disturbing, the silence of the night is invaded by their presence, the mind is agitated and then keeps you awake, more surely than the strongest of coffees.

After several weeks or even months of disturbed sleep, you define yourself as an insomniac. As long as other members of your family also experience this problem, you inevitably fall into line. This label does not help change. Do not give up, there is no fatality. Each person is unique, do not compare yourself, stay focused on your feelings.

Start by keeping a logbook. You will note there for a few weeks, your hours of falling asleep, the number of nocturnal awakenings or early awakenings. For example, do you wake up two to three times but fall back asleep? Or, have you woken up at four o’clock and can’t get back to sleep? Also observe the quality of your sleep. You may have slept little yet you feel rested. On the contrary, when you get up, you are exhausted, sometimes more tired than when you go to bed.

This habit allows you to refocus on your feelings. To be as close as possible to what is, you must not respond hastily but really take the time to observe what your body is saying. You will sometimes notice significant tensions that persist during the night: clenching of the jaws, hands closed, clenched, or any other tension in another part of your body. Take the time to observe, without judging, simply welcome what is happening within you. Observe your thoughts, are they omnipresent, in a loop, when? Pay attention to your breathing, its place, its rhythm. If you breathe with the upper part of your chest, almost “under the shoulders”, if the breath is short, then focus on your exhalations, lengthening these exhalations. See what’s happening in your belly. Does it swell on inspiration?

These notes will tell you about your state of stress. Twitching, high and short breath signify a level of stress that should not be overlooked. Sleeping pills should only be a one-off aid, they are in no way a basic treatment.

Take action!

Don’t wait, start as soon as you get up.

In a previous article I talked about the shower in conscience, here is an excellent reason to start there. Be present at the moment to avoid stress in the morning. If you have a meeting, do not invite all the participants in your shower, take full advantage of this moment just for you.

During the day, take short breaks to stretch, take a few steps, go for a drink of water…These simple gestures make it possible to resolve the tensions before they settle down durably.

Do not neglect lunch, take a real break. This break is necessary, even if it is only twenty to thirty minutes. Exit your workspace. If you can, get some fresh air and eat mindfully! Disconnect from professional concerns, stop to breathe, literally and figuratively.The micro nap, of course, is very restorative. Also called flash nap. According to Michel Tiberge, neurologist at the Toulouse sleep centre, “human beings are programmed to fall asleep around 2 p.m.”.

Know that the simple fact of closing your eyes for a few seconds recharges your batteries.External stimuli arrive through sight, you allow your brain to no longer have to process all this information, by abandoning the external gaze in favor of the internal gaze. These moments of disconnection are very beneficial.

When you start to feel a decrease in alertness after dinner, slow down the pace, close all your screens to cut yourself off from the stresses that disturb the physiological rhythm of sleep. Choose a calm atmosphere that soothes your mind and promotes sleep.Respect your sleep rhythms, don’t struggle when your eyelids get heavy, don’t miss the sleep train, you don’t know when the next one will pass.

A ritual before going to bed: going to the bathroom, reading a few pages, soft music, whatever you want, as long as you repeat the same gestures. This generates a neural connection that sends the sleep message.

Ventilate your room. This space should be welcoming and relaxing. Do not clutter it with objects that have nothing to do with it, such as the basket for ironing clothes!

Breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and sophrology, among others, are ways that help you acquire the right reflexes to improve your nights. Be aware, however, that only training, motivation and perseverance will lead you to achieve your goal: Sleep like a baby.


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