Protein diet, protein diet for slimming


To understand :

This diet was born from the idea that proteins are not important energy sources but they must imperatively be found in the diet, and in full, in order to ensure the proper functioning of the body (enzymes, hormones, transporters, etc…) while maintaining the noble mass (muscles).Deprived of carbohydrates and lipids, the body must provide energy to function. Also it will transform its reserve fats into energy through a chemical reaction producing acetone.It is important that the ingested proteins are not mixed with carbohydrates (sugars). This would prevent the mobilization of body fat storage, and thus the rise of acetone.Acetone is the most powerful natural appetite suppressant, while having a euphoric effect. Thus this very “low calorie” diet (300 to 500 calories per day) has major advantages:


(not gluttony!).It is always useful to remember that the intake of small amounts of sugar may reduce the transformation of fat into energy, and therefore reduce the level of acetone, resulting in a reappearance of hunger.


(7 to 10% of weight per month)which reinforces motivation and avoids discouragement. It is always useful to remember that it is not the speed of the weight loss which is the source of recovery but in fact the quality of the mode of refeeding (rising too quickly, imbalance) and therefore of the food levels to be carried out.


without risk of dietary errors or temptation, subject to respecting a specific protocol.

WELL-BEING AND EUPHORIA, without fatigue

Regular clinical and biological follow-up will be put in place in order to mainly monitor potassium, uric acid and heart function. The current safety of these protein diets is well established in trained hands. The proteins must be of excellent quality containing all the amino acids essential to the body (milk and soy proteins).


The implementation of these diets often leads to weight loss of 7 to 10% of weight in 4 weeks, mainly at the expense of fat and very little muscle, viscera and water. Weight loss will be slower after four weeks because there is a decrease in basic energy expenditure (which will later stabilize at a level adapted to the new physical profile).

The duration of a diet varies according to the schools. In France it is closer to 4 to 6 weeks but in the USA and Canada, the duration may be much longer (several months). In fact, everything will depend on the motivation of the individuals, the quality of the proteins (and not the caloric level) and the quality of the medico-psychological follow-up.

Experience shows that it seems necessary to maintain the protein diet as long as the individual supports it perfectly and that he is motivated to continue: it is therefore more often up to him to indicate when he wishes to stop (unless there is a medical problem exceptional). The interruptions of protein diet are indeed badly experienced especially when the diet works well and is well supported. The reinstatement of a second diet encounters, in this case, more difficulties.

Who are these protein diets for?

Probably not for those who want to lose 2 to 3 kilos to put on the little thong this summer (although it is better to eat a hypocaloric, high-protein diet for a short time than to put up anything based on water or other advertising stupidities !).These diets are for everyone, especially if weight loss must be rapid for medical reasons, but not everyone supports this type of diet. Of course, the classic contraindications are pregnancy, children under 16, acute illnesses and, as always, psychiatric problems.


The protein diet can be implemented with foods rich in protein such as lean meat or fish, egg whites, 0% fat dairy products and plenty of vegetables, low in carbohydrates of course.Currently there are powders on the market to be mixed with only cold or hot water, making it easy to make tasty and pleasant preparations, well balanced in proteins of excellent nutritional quality.These preparations make it possible to make soups, creams and mousses, drinks, cakes always based on proteins. Coffee and tea without sugar are authorized at will, like certain vegetables, thus avoiding certain digestive disorders (constipation) while having a sought-after “filling fiber” effect.The arrival of protein flours (soya and milk caseins among others) to make bread, pancake batters or pizzas, is new. This makes it possible to vary the diet by getting as close as possible to the traditional low-calorie diet (don’t dream, wanting to lose weight is not done without a little effort!). The fundamental point is to always remember not to bring sugars because they will decrease the acetone and cause the feeling of hunger.These diets can be carried out without worry at home. No hospitalization is necessary (except particular medical problems). The professional activity is perfectly continued without fatigue. It is up to everyone to manage their diet at work. Sports activities should be temporarily reduced because dieters no longer have a reserve of sugar, which is useful for intense efforts. They will therefore have to tap into the fat reserves that can be mobilized more slowly. Intense and brutal efforts are not recommended (risk of hypoglycaemia) but gentle activities with low energy levels (walking, gentle gymnastics, relaxation swimming, etc.) are authorized, with the request to stop activities in the event of excessive fatigue.

What results?

The results of these diets are surprising in their speed and importance. This speed absolutely does not cause more relapse than other diets under certain conditions. The relapse rates are lower because the motivation to practice these diets is better, more sustained, better controlled and this given that the weight loss is significant (7 to 10% of the weight per month). Of course, the closer you get to the desired target weight, the more the body will fight against weight loss. Weight loss will then be slower, with fewer plateau phenomena.

Stopping a protein diet is always gradual in steps of 200 calories. During the diet, educational work will begin with work on body image (the differences in measurements are always very motivating because the differences in cm are really fabulous from one fortnight to another). A gradual refeeding by introducing one, then two meals (still enriched in protein with fruit or dairy) will be proposed, specifying that hunger may reappear, but the reduction in the size of the stomach, obtained over the course of the diet, will cause food volume to decrease.

After a month, breakfast and 5 p.m. noticeably normal (even new for some, but the habit of taking them during the diet is often retained, reducing hunger at lunch and dinner). The gradual reintroduction of starchy foods and a substantially normal, but always cautious, diet of lipids and carbohydrates will guarantee long-term success without forgetting the most important: PERSISTENCE OF FOLLOW-UP and psychological CARE without which the diet will be doomed to relapse (although not faster than with other diets).