Quanis dermafiller: the filler without needles



Would you like to do something about those wrinkles and lines at your eyes and mouth, but you don’t like needles? Then pay attention, because there is a new product on the market: a filler without needles from Quanis Dermafiller. Read on to find out what the Quanis Dermafiller can do for you.

 filler without needles 

At Anti-Aging Secret we love new gadgets that help you keep your skin as glowing and ruddy as possible. You can of course achieve a lot with good creams such as cosmeceuticals, or with a course of laser treatments. But for the remedy of real stubborn wrinkles and sagging, however, you will have to switch to more drastic means such as botox and fillers. However, not everyone likes to be poked. For many ladies this is really a limit and I understand that. But now there is a new product that should give the same effect as a filler treatment without needles. It concerns a product that has been on the Japanese market for a few years and recently in the Netherlands: a filler without needles from Quanis. Quanis works with special plasters containing all kinds of active substances. You can undergo this treatment in various salons, but there is also a special line for home use. It is recommended to go to a salon for the first treatment, then you can get it well explained.

What do Quanis Dermafiller patches do?

Well, simple: they promise to tighten the skin and smooth out fine lines. How? By pumping a good dose of active ingredients directly into the skin, such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and collagen. These nourishing substances are applied to the skin by means of tiny microcrystals containing the active substances. In the skin they restore the moisture balance and in this way wrinkles are filled from the inside. This way you get tighter skin. Oh yes, everything is on a completely natural basis, so without preservatives, colors and fragrances and not tested on animals. Not entirely unimportant either.

What does a treatment with Quanis Dermafiller look like?

When I was recently in the Netherlands, I received an invitation from Wiemooiwilzijn.nl to join the sympathetic Sarah Piening from salon Beauty Consciously lie down in the chair to try out the patches. Look, of course we won’t say no to that!

First Sarah cleaned my skin well. Then it was time for the real work: sticking the plasters of Quanis Dermafiller. I occasionally suffer from bags and lines under my eyes, so that seemed like a perfect area to try those promising adhesive units. going to try it out.

The patches consist of 2 different parts: a narrow strip containing the active ingredients and a larger patch that you stick over the whole. First, the narrow strip is gently applied to the face, in my case under the eyes. Then it is the turn of the larger sticker to fix it.

And then, please wait. It doesn’t take long, think of the time you normally need for a mask (about 20 to 25 minutes).

Once the patches have been applied, apply gentle pressure on them. As a result, the active substances end up where they need to be; ie in your skin. When it starts to crackle on your skin, you know something is happening. You do feel this a bit, but it is acceptable. Think of the same feeling as pressing sandpaper on your skin, not the end of the world either, right?


And then…. tadahaaa… let the magic happen. I had already heard that it can be quite spectacular, so I was really curious. But luckily I was not disappointed.

How was my experience with Quanis Dermafiller? The skin immediately looked a lot tighter with this apparently simple trick. The bags under my eyes are less deep and the lines around my eyes are less noticeable. Note: the red circles above my cheekbones come from the edges of the plasters. No big deal: after half an hour they are gone again.

Continued with Quanis Dermafiller

Super cool that I saw such a difference after only 1 treatment. Now you get the most results if you undergo a total course with the filler without needles. A cure means that you stick the magic stickers under your eyes twice a week for 4 weeks. The end result seems to be equivalent to a traditional filler treatment with needles.

I am of course very curious if this statement is really correct. Fortunately, I can experience this myself and Quanis Dermafiller allows me to do the entire course. nice!!!! I’ll start next month and I’m very curious if I can really kill my bags with this. Of course I will keep you informed with a review. So to be continued.

Wallen, be aware!

x Mo

ps: interested in more tips about wrinkles, lines, etc.? Then take a quick look at the special ‘anti-aging’ section of Anti-Aging Secret!

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