Raising AWAIRness: Bitfinder promises improved air quality


Health risk: room air

Alone, this task is difficult to master. After all, who has a sense of what constitutes perfect indoor air quality? Often we do not even know that the air in the room is much too dry and the unbearable headache originally therefore stir. Some people can even get really sick of it. The drier the air, the more dust there is in the air – and not only that. The small harmless dust particles can transmit diseases. Because viruses and bacteria settle on them – and then also fly through the air, which we ultimately need to breathe.

The solution: The user should make himself air

This may sound a bit too dramatic, and a solution to this seems rather complicated – but now there are companies such as Bitfinder, which have specialized in producing the perfect air quality in the room. What motivates them are above all two principles: health and environmental awareness. In addition, they demand active cooperation from the users of their product, because the air to breathe is something very personal and everyone has in his health home trusted very different needs in terms of the quality of indoor air, after all, each follows its own individual rhythm.

And that's where AWAIR comes in. The device measures the data of exactly five quality indicators for indoor air: temperature. humidity. CO2-Concentration. amount of dust in the air and so-called VOCs, volatile organic compounds, as they arise after a long spring cleaning with plenty of disinfectant or a fresh wallpaper coating.

The device then calculates a quality parameter from these values. By means of an app, this value is transmitted via the WLAN or Bluetooth in the smart health home to the user's mobile phone. On a scale from 0 to 100, he can now read how good or bad the indoor air quality actually is. Three colored dots help to estimate the values ​​according to the traffic light principle in red, yellow and green. The color representation can also be read on the device itself.

AWAIR from Bitfinder

Health expert, counselor and personal watchdog in one

In addition, some additional information is displayed on the user's mobile phone, so that an optimal room climate can also be achieved. For example, if there is a lack of moisture in the air, the message appears to open the window. AWAIR deals individually with its user. Even if personal well-being is temporarily impaired by an occurring allergy or illness, or the user attaches great importance to specific needs such as sleep or productivity, the device adapts accordingly and as a health advisor provides instructions on how the user can optimally adapt the room quality to his needs ,

Currently, the price of the room air specialist is $ 199 – including a chic retro design. The curious can directly order the device through the provider, but Bitfinder sends to date only in the US, Canada and South Korea.

For more information about AWAIR from Bitfinder, see here,
