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  • Ramsay Santé chooses Lifen to dematerialize the exchange of medical letters in all its establishments

Ramsay Santé chooses Lifen to dematerialize the exchange of medical letters in all its establishments


Created in 2015, Lifen develops software that automatically analyzes medical documents in search of the patient and the recipient, to ensure the communication of information between public and private health facilities and private medicine, via secure health messaging (MSSanté ) or by post, one recalls.

The Lifen solution is currently deployed in 31 institutions in the group with a community of more than 1,300 practitioners. This deployment currently concerns the group's medical-surgery-obstetrics (MCO) facilities.

Beyond sending, the company offers a follow-up of the exchanges, thanks to a dashboard summarizing the various shipments, the channels used and the existence of an acknowledgment of receipt.

By the end of 2019, it will be deployed in 8 additional establishments and by June 2020, the 68 MCO establishments of the group in France will have them.

The group aims to have rolled out the tool to its 143 French institutions (integrating the following care clinics and rehabilitation-SSR and mental health) due in late 2020.

"A pilot of the solution was already tested in three establishments of the group since November 2017," said Pascal Roché Ramsay Santé, Executive Director of Ramsay Santé. "There was good buy-in from the doctors, medical assistants and nurses who used it and the scalability was fast, so we decided to extend it to all of our facilities."

"There have been 710,000 documents sent over the last two years, of which 120,000 last month alone, which shows the exponential rise and the professionals' support for the tool," explained the general director of Ramsay Santé.

"This partnership is part of the desire to change the patient care path by improving the coordination between hospital teams and professionals of the city medicine," he added. "We also want to give health professionals the opportunity to re-allocate time to medical practice and patients."

The cost of the subscription for practitioners is borne by Ramsay Health, said the two partners without revealing the amount of the investment.

"Liberal doctors normally cover this kind of expenses themselves, but we see this as a 'win-win-win' investment for healthcare professionals, patients and for us," said Pascal Roché.

"It's also a way of saying to the Liberal doctors: 'we invest so you can do research, welcome medical interns and make your work easier', we create something that makes sense, to contribute to improvement of the health system. "

Saving time and facilitating exchanges

Franck Le Ouay, co-founder of Lifen, also wants to "improve medical communication by involving health professionals and patients". "Our solutions are aimed at meeting the communication needs of healthcare professionals," he explained.

"We have estimated that our dematerialization of medical mail solution can divide postal costs by three and saves three hours of administrative workload each week in medical practices," he told TICsanté.

Electronic sending is done via secure health messaging (MSSanté including Apicrypt). As a reminder, Lifen is itself an integrated operator in the MSSanté trust area established by the French Shared Health Information Systems Agency (Asip Santé). The management of postal mail is provided by a provider.

"Our directory of practitioners' addresses is also constantly updated to facilitate the work of medical assistants," said Lifen co-founder.

Lifen, which also equips public health facilities, will now equip all the structures of the private Ramsay Santé group.

"The differences are important between the public and the private and if the product is the same, the strategy and the needs are different.In the private, each doctor has his own software that is different from the management of the computerized patient record (DPI ) clinics, our solutions are interoperable and we adapt, "detailed Franck Le Ouay.

Pending the full deployment of Lifen solutions to the Ramsay Health Group, the company also provides training for medical teams.

"We have dedicated teams training face-to-face and remote practitioners across France, it takes 20 minutes to install the solution on professional workstations and 30 to 45 minutes to train doctors, nurses and medical assistants. "

In addition, "Lifen provides after-sales service and technical support to users," said the company's co-founder.

Last June, Lifen announced that it had completed a 20 million euro fundraising campaign with Partech, Idinvest, Majyccs eSanté and its historical investors Serena and Daphni.

In October, it was selected as "sole winner of its market for the dematerialization and optimization of mail" from the Central Purchasing Hospital Informatics (CAIH).
