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  • Review: Oblumi tapp, the smart health connected thermometer

Review: Oblumi tapp, the smart health connected thermometer


Intended for the whole family, the Tapp plugs into the audio jack of your smartphone, and therefore allows you to control the time temperature of children (up to 12 years), but also the temperature of a liquid (bottle for example).

The Tapp is quite small (50 x 24 x 18 mm) and is in an oval shape whose tip is suitable for positioning in the ear canal, while a plug / adapter attaches directly to the sensor to measure the temperature on the forehead, or on a liquid (the container does not contain the liquid directly). Everything comes with a travel pouch to take it anywhere.

The thermometer can measure between 35 ° C and 42 ° C (with an accuracy of plus or minus 0.15 ° C) for the human body, and between 10 ° C and 80 ° C (precision of +/- 0, 5 ° C) for liquids.

The Oblumi Tapp is available at the price of 49.95 euros.
