[Review] The pebble that makes you do Dodow


He’s small, he’s light, he’s white and his name is Dodow. Its goal ? Help you fall asleep by projecting a light onto your ceiling to regulate your breathing. Simple? This is what we tested.

Dodow Unboxing

The Dodow's box is about as simple as what it houses. Small and easily transportable, she understands the three batteries that need an object to operate, a card containing your access code for the online platform and a user manual. The latter details the start-up and the technique of use in French and English, all in a fun way. Several explanatory drawings also illustrate the relaxation exercises proposed to fall asleep more easily. In short, nothing to worry about here.

Dodow design and ergonomics

The Dodow can be used in two places: on your stomach or on a bedside table. Its featherweight allows it not to disturb you in the first case; in the second, its size and sleek design will help it go unnoticed in most decorations.

The upper surface is fully tactile. It’s actually a single button, which may seem superfluous at first but is devilishly useful when you are falling asleep. It is used to switch on the three blue LEDs present at the top, which will serve to diffuse the famous light supposed to put you to sleep. Another well thought out detail: the Dodow has two cycles of use: one of 8 minutes and another of 20 minutes, after which it will turn off by itself. Convenient if you fell asleep in the meantime (which is still the main goal of the thing).

Dodow app

The Dodow can be used alone, but it is missing out on half of its functionality. Indeed, Dodow site allows access to a monitoring platform explaining the sleep and sleep cyclesother tips for preparing for your night : turn off all the screens before going to bed, ignore your money, work problems, stop the exciting substances, etc. Depending on the problems you suffer from (insomnia, headache, waking up in the middle of the night), the platform will inform you of the physical reasons for your problems and how to remedy them.

Using the Dodow

Besides using the online interface, the Dodow is very easy to use day to day (well, night to night). Put it on your belly or your bedside table, touch the touch surface and the light will come on. One press starts the eight-minute cycle, two presses the twenty-minute cycle. Then you just need to fix the light variations and synchronize your breathing to start relaxation. Choose one or the other exercise from the user manual for the most desperate cases and admire the result. According to the Dodow site, it would be almost 75% of users who would declare themselves satisfied with the product.

Additional exercises

As mentioned above, the Dodow is supplied with a manual illustrating several relaxation exercises. If the simple use of light is not enough for you, this is the opportunity to take an interest in it. For sophrology enthusiasts, the proposed exercises are likely to be familiar: you are advised to focus on one part of your body, to pronounce "inhale" and "exhale". And if that doesn't work, you are even offered to forget the rhythm of the pulsation and focus only on the light. Each exercise is clearly explained and we explain the why and how of each.

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKZEwbN5PBU (/ embed)


Good points

  • Helps effectively relax

  • Affordable price

Negative points

  • No “direct monitoring” of sleep

  • A not very decorative design

Created by four French people, this device, sold at only 49 euros online, is a good alternative to drugs for insomniacs. It may not meet everyone's needs, but its personalized advice and ease of use will certainly not hurt those seeking relaxation. In any case, the Dodow is already garnering quite a few positive opinions and the journalists of our editorial staff suffering from sleep problems really appreciated it. Associated with its correct price, we can only approve.

Design & Finishing / Ergonomics

Use / handling


Design & Finishing / Ergonomics : Not very decorative, but discreet and easy to use.Application : A complete and clear web interface.features : He keeps his promise. In addition, the manual and the online interface provide personalized advice.Use / Getting Started : Intuitive and very easy to use.Value for money : 49 € for the object and the online interface. An acceptable price.


 3.33 out of 5 

In the average

(Review) The pebble that makes you do Dodow 

Reviewed by Jérémy Pirotte  

we 2016-05-06

   Design & Finishing / Ergonomics : Not very decorative, but discreet and easy to use.Application : A complete and clear web interface.features : He keeps his promise. In addition, the manual and the online interface provide personalized advice.Use / Getting Started : Intuitive and very easy to use.Value for money : 49 € for the object and the online interface. An acceptable price.

Rating: 3.33 
